Your grants manager is a key person in ensuring smooth submission of your grant. Here’s what every grants manager wants you to know:

1. Notify your grants manager at the very beginning of the grant writing process. This will help them schedule their time and give your grant the necessary attention.

2. Start working with your grants manager 6-8 weeks ahead of the submission date. Familiarize yourself with your institution’s specific guidelines for routing and submission.

3. Read the program announcement, or RFA, carefully and know the requirements and limitations. Make sure you are eligible to apply and the work you are proposing is doable with the resources available.

4. The grants manager should provide a list of requirements including who does what. If you do not receive this document, ask them to provide one.

5. For R01s and other non-career development grants, the budget is a key component of the grant and can be time consuming to build, especially if there are subcontracts. Start the budget early!

6. Make sure you are using the most recent and appropriate forms.

7. Ask people to be on the grant and have their permission to include them before giving their names to the grants manager.

8. Understand the different roles people can play on a grant: Co-PI, co-investigator, collaborator, consultant, and other significant contributor. (NIH definitions).

9. If you make changes to the title, budget, or other key components, let your grants manager know right away. Late changes, especially to the budget, may require modification of various other grant components.

10. Get to know your grants manager – they are dedicated to helping you succeed. And most of them like treats, especially chocolate.

Thank you to Pattie Council and Suellen Sachariat for their combined 20 years of grants management experience and sharing their expert knowledge with Edge for Scholars.

More Resources

Mapping the Path for K (or R) Submission

More Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Wrote My K

Try the NIH “All About Grants” Podcast

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