Congratulations to the winners of our TEDx Nashville ticket giveaway!  We’ll introduce you to them in a moment, but first, check out their and other entrants’ favorite TED talks:

Moral Behavior in Animals: Animals such as primates and elephants show very human traits of cooperation, reconciliation, and empathy. What can that teach us about human behavior?

How to Start a Movement: The first follower is what transforms a lone nut into a leader, and other lessons about leadership.

The Thrilling Potential of SixthSense Technology: Merging the physical world with the world of data, or touchscreens without the screen.

The Best Stats You’ve Ever Seen: Get ideas for how to present your stats with drama and urgency from this talk.

My Stroke of Insight: When a brain scientist has a stroke, she gets a unique opportunity to study her brain from the inside out.

One More Reason to Get a Good Night’s Sleep: Your brain does housekeeping while you’re asleep, and Jeff Iliff imaged it.

What It’s Like to Be Muslim in America: Muslim scholar Dahlia Mogahed asks us what we see when we look at her, and asks us to choose empathy over prejudice.

Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are: Heard about power posing?  This is the original talk. Amy Cuddy discusses the possibility of changing others’ perceptions of you, and even your own of yourself, just by the way you stand.

Gene Editing Can Now Change an Entire Species – Forever: A big picture look at the buzz around CRISPR.

Meet Our Winners

B.Lizama is a Ph.D. Candidate in Neuroscience. She enjoys scientific brainstorming and/with caffeine. On the weekends she can be found doing something artsy; her latest favorite hobby is pyrography (woodburning).



Cherie Fathy is an MD/MPH student and co-founder of , which implements technologies and monitors impact to improve health access for refugee communities in the Middle East.



Isaac Thomsen hasn’t filled out his profile, but through super sekrit Edge sources we know he’s an Assistant Professor in Pediatric Infectious Diseases and the Vaccine Research Program who works on osteomyelitis.

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