Remember back in the day when you learned a new skill and got a cool badge for it? There are definitely not enough badges, swag or parades for scientists. When was the last time anyone got recognized for getting 500 citations of their paper? Or turning in reviews early?

I want this guy on my zombie apocalypse team.

Whittle a stick and suddenly the scouts called you a “woodworker.” Sell a 1,000 boxes of cookies and you’re an ”entrepreneur.” Getting badges felt good. It was a way for people to see you and know you were committed. To know that you were a do-er, that you were qualified and had mad skillz.

We see what you’re doing out there, academic buddies, and we are gonna do our part to fix it!

We honor your brave souls stepping up and making some comments, posting a blog to share your experience, cheering for the underdogs and letting your social media buddies know we’re here to cheer, inform and be super honest with you.

Freelancing achievement stickers are the best.

The best incentive we could think of to honor you was copious amounts of cash. You’ve earned it! But then we realized we don’t have any cash. <sad trombone> So we’re handing out badges!  Shiny, awesome, fun achievement badges so your friends can know exactly how much of an academic mensch you are.

Those helpful comments you leave with links to additional time management apps you like? We’re going to give you a badge for that!

When your science buddies  like your new content on Edge for Scholars? A badge for that!

Post 5 blogs? Get a badge. Post 10 blogs, get a way better badge!

This person seems sketchy.

Walk around in the lab in your socks because you’re too tired to put on shoes? Yeah. No badges for that. It’s gross and unsafe.

And don’t forget, your blogs matter to other academics. The best way to make them last is to add them to your CV. Adding your blog links to your CV will help 1) give folks a sense of who you are 2) let people know you can write like a champ 3) show that can quickly and coherently synthesize a message for a broad audience and 4) engage and persuade a varied audience.

Stay tuned for badges, more swag and really hilarious squirrel news.

Don’t know how to blog yet? My girl Rebecca Helton wrote about that for you. Check it out here!

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[…] your blogs on your CV. Edge for Scholars has great advice for how to cite a blog post on your CV (note they also publish some great early […]

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