Paying it forward can pay off literally.  We’re awarding $1,000 for travel to Translational Science 2018 (April 19 – 21, 2018) to the author of the most viewed post between now and February 13, 2018. This is your chance to share useful tips and insights for thriving in academic research – the advice you wish you had received sooner, your “secret” productivity hacks, things you wish your mentor had known or done, or resources that are under-recognized.

Eligible posts will deliver practical and candid advice broadly within the EdgeforScholars core content areas, which include:

Doing Life in Academics

Inspiration, courage, laughs
Personal finance
Self-care and stress reduction
Time management

Leading & Giving Back

Classroom and other teaching
Developing staff
Leadership skills
Positioning one’s self for leadership
Team building

Scholarly Skills

Maximizing mentorship
Getting feedback/critique
Scientific writing
Targeting funding sources
Keeping research on track/process management
Presentation and posters skills
Strong inference and study design

Thriving in Academics

Being professional
Budget and staff management
Career development strategy
Communications skills (general writing, email, agendas, meetings)
Job seeking
Negotiating & facilitation
Personal brand (social media, personal style, traits to cultivate, wardrobe)
Presence & passion
Tenure and promotion

Your experiences, solutions, and strategies for cultivating a research career could be just the thing that another scientist needs to hear right now. Please consider paying it forward and sharing your insights with the Edge for Scholars community.

Fine Print:
Blog posts with relevance to researchers at any career stage from undergraduate to emeritus faculty are welcome, as are authors at any career stage.  Program or group authorship is allowed; the award amount does not change. Reposting a prior blog from another site in its entirety on will be eligible; partial posts with indication to read more elsewhere will not be eligible.  Career development rather than news or science reporting are the focus of this contest.
The contest will close at 9:00 am CT on February 13, and the winning post will be determined by total views as recorded by the view counter visible with each post on  Posts with evidence of automated or commercially promoted views will be disqualified. You are welcome to link to the post on social media.  Anonymous posts will be allowed, but you will need to disclose your identity to the Edge for Scholars team to collect. A check for $1,000.00 (US) will be provided to the winner at the Translational Science 2018 meeting.

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