Spark a career path or inspire creativity with these Edge-tastic STEM gifts for future scientists.

  1. Spy science kit for matching DNA $15.99
  2. Mind Blowing science kit for kids… or adults $18.49
  3. Human body floor puzzle for full-sized fun $29.99
  4. Fold-up pillow doctor’s office for naps and doctoring $39.99
  5. Solar system floor puzzle for budding astronauts $18.99
  6. MudWatt STEM kit for making clean energy from mud $39.99
  7. Solar powered phone charger for teenage survival skills $42.00
  8. KiwiCo for awesome projects every month $16.95+
  9. Remote controlled animals for building a flying, crawling, walking zoo $49.95
  10. Gears for colorful sprockets and cogs $39.03
  11. Black Girl Mathgic for math confidence in a box $39.95/month
  12. Pixel art puzzle for in-person mine crafting $19.98
  13. Learn About Germs experiment kit for understanding COVID $30.00
  14. Interactive globe for exploring during quarantine $99.99
  15. Frog dissection for seeing what’s inside (or the real thing) $12.99
  16. Mad Matter Doh for tactile fun $12.99
  17. Jimu Robot BuzzBot for a trusty companion $75.98

  1. Mae Among the Stars for little kids with big dreams $13.49
  2. Nature Anatomy for looking more closely at the world $14.95
  3. The Journey of a Tear for exciting travels $11.40
  4. Unseen Worlds for microscopic monsters  $19.01
  5. Samuel Morse, That’s Who! for celebrating instant messaging $11.49
  6. The House That Cleaned Itself for fulfilling the dreams of grown-ups everywhere $17.99
  7. The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind for one boy’s brilliant idea $8.29
  8. The Adventures of Your Brain for pop-up cranial fun $12.55
  9. Instructions Not Included for encouraging innovation $14.62
  10. Mimi’s Village for learning how to make a difference $14.80
  11. How to Become an Accidental Genius for the secrets of successful inventors $24.94
  12. The Pact for positive peer pressure $10.89
  13. Exemplary Evidence for thinking of science as a puzzle $12.59
  14. Black Pioneers of Science and Invention (or Black Stars: African American Women Scientists and Inventors) for history everyone should read $8.99
  15. What Can I Be? for learning what astronauts and zoologists do all day $11.99
  16. The Poison Eaters for finding out the original recipe of Coca-Cola $14.99
  17. Paper World: Planet Earth for creating a sense of wonder $18.89

Prices accurate as of 11/18/20

Please consider buying from an independent bookstore.

For hundreds of other gift ideas, visit our Pinterest board of STEMM gifts and books. They are  stuffed full of STEMM gifts for kids of all ages.


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