Paying it forward paid off literally for our Best Academic Life Hacks and Advice Blog Contest winner, who will receive $1,000 in travel money to Translational Science 2018.

The prize goes to David Sacks, who received 830 views of his post, “Think You’re an Imposter? Here’s How to Know for Sure,” in which  he reveals a simple way to tell if you’re a card-carrying member of your profession.

Three runners-up  made it a tight race with great posts:

Pipette Protagonist received 778 views of another tale from tenure track life: “Not that Kind of Year: Tales of Year 1 as a New PI.”  It includes several suggestions for surviving the first year, from finding your people to building good relationships with university officials.


The Cranky Reviewer was back with more pet peeves, receiving 690 views for “Three (Grant) Peeves in a Pod: Appearance Matters.” Beauty is in the eye of the reviewer, and reviewers like simple elegance.  Give it to them.


Josh Fessel received 429 views of “SkypeAScientist – Hey, That Means YOU!”, introducing a innovative scientific outreach initiative that any scientist can join.  SkypeAScientist connects researchers with classes of K-12 students around the world via video chat so students can ask questions and learn about what a career in science is like.


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