Watch pro tips and solid advice from experts all across academia on the Edge Video Vault.

Here’s a list to get you started:



  • How Much Data from Tables Should be Presented in Text? (1:58)
    How much of the data included in tables/figures should be left for the reader to extrapolate? Also emphasizes the inclusion of data in the form of supplementary information to be submitted along with the manuscript as part of the submission package.
  • How to Write a Literature Review (9:21)
    How to search the literature and identify relevant papers for your literature review with PubMed search using Boolean operators and MeSH terms. You might be doing a systematic literature review or meta-analysis – again, you’ll need to do a good PubMed search that identifies the right studies.

NIH and Grants

  • How to Use NIH Matchmaker (2:48)
    NIH Matchmaker can read your mind–or at least your abstract.  Paste in up to 15,000 characters, and it’ll analyze your text for key terms and spit out the 100 most closely related projects.  Here’s a quick tutorial for using it.
  • The Conversation: How To Get A Grant (9:53)
    Learn a key approach to successful grant writing and grant getting, told through story of an encounter with a “skeptic” of this successful approach.
  • Who Are You Really Talking To When You Write a Grant? (14:50)
    In a competition for scarce resources, Morgan Giddings advises to make sure you involve your reviewers’ reptilian brain. The review may come from the rational, cerebral layer of the brain, but the decision comes from the our earliest, most instinctual layer.

Leadership and Mentoring

 Career Development

  • E.O. Wilson: Advice to Young Scientists (14:57)
    “The world needs you, badly,” begins celebrated biologist E.O. Wilson in his letter to a young scientist. Advice collected from a lifetime of experience — reminding us that wonder and creativity are the center of the scientific life.

 Faculty Life

  • Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance (6:13)
    Leaving a high-flying job in consulting, Angela Lee Duckworth took a job teaching math to seventh graders in a New York public school. Here, she explains her theory of “grit” as a predictor of success.
  • Life as a Scientist, a Woman’s Perspective (17:56)
    How do you juggle a toddler in a research lab? Very carefully. This talk looks at issues facing women (or any caregiver) in scientific careers, along with examples from women who have found ways to be successful as parents and as scientists.

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