5 Reasons You (yes, YOU!) Should Be on Twitter:

  1. Promote research manuscripts to disseminate to the public.
  2. Connect with other scientists interested in your field.
  3. Create potential collaborations for future projects.
  4. Get inspired by reading about the work of others.
  5. Create an online reputation and more visibility to your research.

Tips to Kick Off Your Twitter Debut:

  • Visual abstracts and infographics increase likes and shares 3x.
  • Posts with images like stock photos get 1.5x more retweets.
  • Consider who your message is targeting and create appropriate content. Limit jargon when trying to reach the general public.
  • Use a professional-looking profile photo, or consider using an icon that represents your research field.
  • Anonymity is not guaranteed. Even if using a pseudonym online always act and post as if your true identity could be found out at any moment, because it could!
  • Follow the social media rule of thirds: 1/3 of what you post can be about your own work, 1/3 about the work of others or things you did not author, and 1/3 of your social media presence should be participating in online conversation through liking, commenting, or retweeting.
  • Find popular science-related hashtags to use when posting to increase searchability and visibility of your Tweets. Always search Twitter for the hashtag before you Tweet so you’re not alarmingly surprised by the search results.
  • Plan to post weekly to keep a regular online presence and to keep abreast of what’s happening in the Twittersphere.
  • Add your Twitter handle to your online contact card, or business cards.
  • Check Altmetric if you’re using Twitter to promote your journal publication to see how you’re doing and track your paper’s online popularity.

And don’t forget to connect with EdgeforScholars on Twitter!

Additional Resources:

As Scientists Take to Twitter, Visual Abstracts Help Results Reach More People

A Systematic Identification and Analysis of Scientists on Twitter

More Than Likes and Tweets: Creating Social Media Portfolios for Academic Promotion and Tenure

Tweet Your Research: A How-To Guide

Twitter for Scientists: An Idea Whose Time Has Finally Come?

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