Do you have great patient recruitment skills and not-so-cutting-edge tools to look at outcomes?
Do you worry that your basic science model won’t hold up in a clinical trial?
Do you have no idea HOW to do a large-scale clinical trial?

Fear not! Science Magazine has offered an ALL STAR line up of folks who are crushing trials in immunotherapy, stem cell treatments and using small molecules to target disease. And they want to help you! These webinars are tremendous even if the speakers’ expertise doesn’t match yours; the folks they get for these talks absolutely transcend their discipline.

You can get up to speed on real obstacles and resources folks need to make a biological based trial work. And did we mention it was FREE? Science has the best line up of clinicians and scientists you can ever hope for in their webinar series which has historically tackled tough issues in technology, leveling-up in collaborating as well as helping scientists understand branding and marketing with great webinars from Nobel Laureates to thought leaders in all manner of disciplines.

Their vast webinar archive is a treasure trove of smart ideas, top-notch graphics and detailed links for resources and is not to be missed. Don’t get lost in translation: How smart design and technology are enabling bench-to-bedside in translational research is truly outstanding.

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