Congratulations to our Lucky Ducks!  They must hoard four-leaf clovers and rabbits’ feet.  Without passing go, they collect $50. Alvinj and Kate Clouse are our lucky random winners out of everyone who’s created a profile. Rachel A hails from Iowa and is our eMiles winner for being the furthest person from the top secret Edge server to create a profile.

Dr. Kate Clouse’s research focuses on HIV/TB implementation science, with a particular interest in operational issues related to improved HIV treatment and care, including patient retention in care and TB/HIV integration in South Africa. She has a PhD in Epidemiology from UNC-Chapel Hill and an MPH in Health Policy and Management from UC Berkeley.



Alvinj is a PhD candidate in Nursing – Health Services with goals of becoming a full-time nurse scientist with interests in clinical decision-making, informatics, prediction modeling, human factors, & implementation methods.




Rachel A is a graduate student at the University of Iowa working on her PhD in psychology. Her area of focus is behavioral neuroscience. She is interested in the effects of chronic stress and corticosterone on prefrontal structure and function.




We’re still flinging out prizes like Mardi Gras beads for random good deeds of early adopters, so keep up with the Edge for your chance to win!

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