Paying it forward can pay off. In partnership with the Association for Clinical and Translational Science, we’re awarding free registration to the largest multidisciplinary, translational science conference: Translational Science 2021 (#TS21; March 30-April 2, 2021). #TS21 is Connecting Virtually, Impacting Reality with a theme of Breaking Barriers & Building Bridges.

The author(s) of the most viewed entries between now and March 16, 2021, will receive complimentary registration to the virtual #TS21 meeting sessions, speed mentoring, and other networking opportunities. If you have already registered, fees will be reimbursed.

With 10 months of remote working, teaching, interviewing, conferencing, and connecting under our belts, we know you have protips to share. All related topics are welcome. Ideal posts deliver practical and candid advice. Useful topics include:

  • Putting your home “studio” in order
  • Getting the most benefit for first-time virtual conference-goers
  • Reducing distraction during virtual attendance
  • Creating great virtual posters
  • Elevating trainees during conferences
  • Optimizing virtual talks
  • Understanding etiquette for contacting attendees
  • Networking in a virtual meeting
  • Job hunting while conferencing
  • Preparing successful panel and special topic proposals

Thanks for helping the Edge for Scholars community plug into the best stuff at conferences.

Humor and satire are welcome.

Post early.

Share often.

Fine Print:

Blog posts relevant to researchers and mentors for any career stage from undergraduate to emeritus faculty are welcome, as are authors at any career stage. Conference season pointers are the focus of this contest, but posts on other topics may be considered. Program or group authorship is allowed; the award given does not change. Reposting a prior blog from another site in its entirety on will be eligible; partial posts with indication to read more elsewhere will not be eligible.

Contest will close at 5:00 pm CT on March 16, 2021. The winning posts will be determined by total views as recorded by the view counter in each post on Posts with evidence of automated or commercially promoted views will be disqualified. You are welcome to link to the post on social media. We encourage sharing. Anonymous posts are allowed, but you will need to disclose your identity to the Edge for Scholars team to collect your free conference registration.

Additional Resources

Got Profile?: Creating an Edge profile

How to Post on Edge for Scholars

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