If you’re at a CTSA hub institution, your registration fee for Translational Science 2020 is automatically discounted. Here’s how to connect your profile with your institution’s membership.

Visit the registration page. Click on Register Here Today.

On the next page, click the top “select your institution” button, the one for “Academic Institutional Member.” (You will not need to pay $7,500! This is what your institution pays so you and your colleagues can have free membership.)

Select your organization from the dropdown that appears.

You’ll then have the opportunity to fill in some information about yourself and create a profile, which will then be linked to your institution.

Once you’ve filled in your profile, you should receive an email with your user name (typically your email address) and a temporary password within a few minutes. You might receive two emails. If so, use the password from the later email.

Once you’ve confirmed your account and reset your password, go back to the registration page, and click “Login to Begin Registration.” Fill in your information and voila! You’re going to the meeting.

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