Translational Science 2017 will happen in Washington, DC, on April 19-21.

Why should you care? This meeting includes many sessions specifically geared to early career investigators, such as a mock study section, speed mentoring, networking events, and talks on career development topics like writing successful K grants and developing communication skills. That’s in addition to a ton of great presentations and posters from investigators doing translational work.

Want to do more than just attend? You can be part of it by submitting an abstract by January 13. Selected applicants will be invited to give either a poster or oral presentation.

Register by February 24 to get the early bird rate.

Submit an abstract by January 13 January 27 (extended deadline!).

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Humble brag. The speed mentoring session (hosted by Vanderbilt), in which early career faculty and others get to meet with five senior mentors in one hour, was the top rated break out session at last year’s meeting. Sign up soon – only two sessions and they fill quickly.

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