If you are based at one of these 165 US institutions and you’re looking to recruit volunteers for your research study, you need to check out ResearchMatch.org!  ResearchMatch offers a completely free way to find potential research participants from a growing pool that now includes over 140,000 individuals willing to be in research studies.

ResearchMatch has a simple goal – to bring together: (1) people who are willing to participate in research and (2) researchers who are looking for participants. It is a free and secure registry developed by major academic institutions across the country to help facilitate the completion of clinical trials and make a real difference for everyone’s health in the future.

The process is simple: Check if your institution is a participant, register with ResearchMatch, have proof of your IRB approval (both for your study and to use ResearchMatch as a recruitment tool), and describe whom you want to invite to participate in your research. Your request will be reviewed by your institutional liaison. If approved, you will enter your study’s criteria in the ResearchMatch Search Builder, which will yield a de-identified list of volunteers who match your criteria. Then you send out IRB-approved contact message to these potential matches through ResearchMatch. The secure ResearchMatch clearinghouse will route your message to each of these potential matches and they will have the option of replying “yes,” “no,” or no response. You may contact those who agree to be contacted.

Voila! Participants for protocols that range from intervention trials to survey research.

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There will be a new user interface for researchers in a few weeks!! It’s going to be great! Really really great!

Atrm Ebai Derrick says:

Helo, I am Ebai Derrick, from Cameroon, west Africa. I an HIV positive citizen ready to offer himself as a research study specimen.
Ilk wait on your reply if any.

marwa alhussein says:

I’m arab and i live in saudi arabia, is it possible to be a subject from here? i can also travel

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