The reality, I mean opportunity, of giving a talk, presentation, or lecture can be exciting or terrifying, or if you’re like many of us, BOTH!

Alas, Twitter to the rescue! Your academic tweeps are here with a round-up of tips to get your next talk on point and present like a pro:


4 key tips for preparing talks:

1. Start analog with a storyboard of Post-Its.
2. One idea = one Post-It = one slide.
3. Work with a partner to bounce ideas & ensure understanding of flow.
4. Then go digital.

Try it— guaranteed to save time!

Via @ReedOmary, Department Chairman – Radiology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center


Tell a Story

Storytelling using the Pitch presentation structure is meant to reinforce the speaker’s ideas as a solution to the problem. The more the audience can relate, the better its chances of supporting the presentation.

Via @PaymanTaei , Founder of Visme, and HindSite Interactive; Entrepreneur, UI/UX Designer, Presentation, Data Viz, Visual Educator



Replace #fillerwords with pauses. Take a breath in & let your #voice take a ride on the air.

Via @ConveyClearly, Ita M Olsen, speech coach to the stars with Fortune 100 expertise


Introduce Yourself

Speakers, write your own introduction. Bring a printed copy. Include how to pronounce your name. A smooth introduction sets the stage for a successful presentation

Via @PFripp, Executive Speech Coach, Keynote Speaker, Sales Presentation Skills Trainer, Online Learning Expert


Choose the Right Images

I may find your images engaging, but if they don’t tell me what to do or what I must learn, I may just remember your talk as a “good presentation,” and never take any action as a result.

Via @Josh_Bersin, Corporate Talent, HR, & Learning Analyst, Founder of Bersin by Deloitte, research and advisory firm focused on management, leadership, HR tech and @PresentGurucom, a global group of professionals who want to improve the quality of public speaking and presentation the world over.


Do a Practice Run

Don’t do what many #Scientists do and “wing” your #presentation. Check out our step-by-step guide and learn how to best practice your presentation.

Via @Slide_Talk, article by @elie_diner, Microbiologist and Science Writer Dedicated to Making Science Presentations Better


Additional Resources:

6 Tips For Giving a Fabulous Academic Presentation

Speak Your Science: How to Give a Better Conference Talk

How to Deliver an Amazing Scientific Talk

12 Pieces of Advice for Giving Talks That Have Impact

7 Ways to Structure Your Presentation to Keep Your Audience Wanting More

5 Ways to Give a Presentation That Nobody Will Ever Forget

How to Wreck Your Own Presentation: Twelve Tips to Confuse an Audience

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1 Comment

Especially if you’re a new speaker, I certainly agree that practice and telling a story are important – especially the part about telling a story.

However, I think that sometimes folks are -overprepared- as well. Your own excitement and the depth of your knowledge sometimes gets obscured by a practiced routine….

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