Academic Twitter delivers with a thread of tips (and visual references) to help your research portfolio look professional and polished, thanks to Vrinda Nair @VnVrinda.
Start with a “simple” first page or landing page with the basic key information.

Prepare a single content page for easy navigation.

Introduce yourself with a blurb, or short bio, picture, and double check key info like your name.

Provide educational background in chronological order and feel free to add logos for institutions for easy recognition.

Write about your work or research experience here.

Add details for notable projects, including your role.

Skills should offer key supporting descriptions.

Include published papers and talks given in bullet point format.

Highlight achievements by noting awards and honors (also in bullet point format) including each funding agency name and/or logo.

Mention affiliations here.

Inspirational story, if applicable, that shares insight into your interest.

Help others find you by including your social media handles and QR code to your linktree or biolink website.

Connect by providing essential contact information here.

Provide credit and thanks to anyone who has helped. In this case we want to thank Vrinda Nair for these amazing visual examples.

You can find the original Twitter thread here. Shared with permission from Vrinda Nair, Doctoral Student in Physics and 2022-23 Public Scholar at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada.
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Aimee Edgeworth
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Social media powerhouse focusing efforts on community building, health communications, and education/career development.