Want to make use of a FREE national recruitment tool to find study participants?

ResearchMatch is a disease-neutral, institution-neutral recruitment resource with over 140,000 volunteers registered and willing to participate in research. ResearchMatch currently serves over 7,000 researchers at 165 institutions.

Follow these quick steps to learn if ResearchMatch can be a helpful resource in your recruitment plans.

  1. Find out if your institution is already a registered user of ResearchMatch by searching here.
  2. If yes, celebrate by doing the happy dance. Then, join ResearchMatch by signing up with your institutional email.
  3. If no, then email info@researchmatch.org to learn how to onboard your institution so that you and your colleagues can gain access to ResearchMatch. Sharing is caring, and they will appreciate you taking the lead on this!
  4. Find potential matches by performing your first feasibility search. Do this BEFORE you register your study to learn how many volunteers meet the search criteria you entered. Need help with your first search? Check out this quick tutorial on How To Perform a Feasibility Search.
  5. Promising feasibility search results? Great! Now it’s time to begin recruiting (after you have included ResearchMatch in your IRB-approved recruitment plan, of course). Watch this tutorial on How to Add a Study and Contact Volunteers.
  6. Now that your study is on ResearchMatch and you’ve found volunteers who may be a good fit, ResearchMatch contacts potential volunteers on your behalf and allows them to choose to opt in or opt out of being contacted by your study. Researchers receive contact information for only those volunteers who responded ‘Yes, I’m interested’ via email. Then your team takes it from there to screen the interested volunteers for further eligibility requirements.

Note: Be sure that your study team is prepared for the likely influx of responses following the use of ResearchMatch!

You’re obviously interested in being a recruitment ROCKSTAR, so check out these other solid and FREE resources for researchers:

The Trial Innovation Network Recruitment & Retention Toolkit

e-Recruiting: Using Digital Platforms, Social Media, and Mobile Technologies to Improve Clinical Trial Enrollment

Learn more about the development of ResearchMatch:

ResearchMatch: A National Registry to Recruit Volunteers for Clinical Research

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