The Health Services, Outcomes, and Effectiveness Research (HSOER) Training Program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) is a mentored research training program in health services  & outcomes research (Mike Mugavero, MD, MHSc, PD/PI; Emily Levitan, ScD, Co-Director). Until 5:00 PM CST, January 15, 2021, the program will be accepting applications for open predoctoral and postdoctoral positions with a start date of July 2021 which will last 2-3 years. These are full-time mentored research training fellowships supported by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) through Institutional (T32) National Research Training Awards (NRSA).

The training program prepares interdisciplinary investigators to pursue careers in health services and outcomes research. Skills development will include exposure to relevant epidemiological, statistical, experimental, mixed methods, and quasi- experimental methodologies, analysis of large data sets, health outcomes assessment, and economic evaluation, all with an emphasis on the practical application of outcomes research methodology.

More information and the applications can be found here or visit the website at Contact Jeanne Merchant ( for additional information.



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