Check in often for a current list of national research funding and award opportunities with upcoming deadlines.



A-T Children’s ProjectResearch Grant Program
  • Due: LOI submission rolling
  • Funding: Up to $75,000 per year
  • Project period: 1 to 2 years
  • Purpose: To support translational and clinical research grants for research related to ataxia-telangiectasia including disease-modifying strategies that would prevent, slow, or stop the progression of the disease, symptom-improving strategies that address neural circuit function, immune system health and lung function, especially the neurological symptoms. (Grant decisions made and communicated 90 days after submission.)
  • Eligibility: Investigators at all levels eligible to apply. Early career scientists are particularly encouraged to apply.
Alexander von Humboldt Research FoundationHumboldt Research Fellowship
  • Due: Rolling (selection committee meets: Feb/Mar, June/July, Oct/Nov)
  • Funding: €3,170 monthly; €2,670 monthly (postdoctoral)
  • Project period: 6 – 18 months; 6 – 24 months (postdoctoral)
  • Purpose: To support research by scientists at any stage of their career in collaboration with a host at a German research institution of choice. Further financial support may be available. Allow 4 months for the review process.
  • Eligibility: Eligible candidates must be postdoctorals (within 6 months of completing terminal degree to those who have completed their degree within the last 4 years), and established scientists who have completed their terminal degree within the last 12 years. November will be the final review cycle for 2022.
Allen Institute for AIAllen AI Young Investigators
  • Due: Rolling
  • Funding: $100,000
  • Project period:  1 to 3 years
  • Purpose: To support postdocs in gaining research experience by providing opportunities to work collaboratively on AI2 projects while pursuing independent research agendas.
  • Eligibility: Candidates should be withing 1 year of completing their PhD, or already have a PhD.
Alzheimer’s Association – Alzheimer’s Association Funding Program for Global Real-World Data Platforms (ALZ_RWD)
  • Due: Rolling
  • Funding: $100,000 to $1M
  • Project period:  1 to 2 years
  • Purpose: To support acceleration of global initiatives focused on developing, expanding and aligning RWD platforms’ infrastructure, data and impact with Alzheimer’s Network for Treatment and Diagnostics ALZ-NET (ALZ-NET), which seeks to connect clinical data from Alzheimer’s patients to the network of medical professional and researchers to encourage robust information sharing and education.
  • Eligibility: A PI candidate must be a full-time faculty member or full-time paid employee of the organization submitting a proposal. See other eligibility requirements.
Alzheimer’s Association – Alzheimer’s Association World Wide FINGERS Network Funding Program (ALZ WW-FNFP)
  • Due: Open
  • Funding:Up to $1M
  • Project period:  Up to 3 years
  • Purpose: To provide startup funding and/or opportunities for ongoing studies to initiate WW-FINGERS (Worldwide Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability) like studies, to expand these studies or to add unique opportunities that enhance the study through global collaboration of data sharing to facilitate rapid knowledge dissemination and implementation.
  • Eligibility: Open to U.S. and international researchers with proposals that focus on program objectives.
Angelman Syndrome Foundation – Angelman Syndrome Research Proposals Call for Proposals
  • Due: Annually October 15 and April 15
  • Funding: Up to $100,000 per year
  • Project period:  1 to 2 years
  • Purpose: To support research projects that address areas of unmet need in Angelman Syndrome research. Priority areas to include studying or correcting the heterozygous effect on non-UBE3A genes in deletion. See other priority areas.
  • Eligibility: Researchers at all levels are eligible.
Boehringer Ingelheim U.S. – Investigator-InitiatedStudies(IIS)
  • Due: Open
  • Funding: Not Specified
  • Project period:  Not Specified
  • Purpose: To support proof of concept or exploratory studies and interventional and non-interventional and health outcomes research studies proposals. Priority Areas (proposals outside of priority areas will also be evaluated): Cardio-Renal-metabolic, Mental Health, Dermatology.
  • Eligibility: Intended for U.S. based researchers.
Brutten Family Foundation – Grants
  • Due: Open
  • Funding: Not Specified
  • Project period:  Not Specified
  • Purpose: To fund projects that address an urgent need and have a clear strategy and goal towards supporting the well being of communities.
  • Eligibility: Proposals with a clear goal, strategy, and timeline that align with BFF’s main pillars (the environment, education, and mental health) may be submitted. 501(c)(3) status required.
Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Data Analysis Grant
  • Due: Rolling submission
  • Funding: Up to $10,000
  • Project period:  Not specified
  • Purpose: To support qualitative or quantitative data analyses on existing CARRA datasets from collaborative research projects. Funds may be requested to complete a specific set of tasks that will result in the timely publication of results.
  • Eligibility: Researcher should have necessary data in hand at time of application submission.
Cystic Fibrosis FoundationPath to a Cure: Pioneer Award
  • Due: LOI submission rolling
  • Funding: Negotiable
  • Project period:  Not specified
  • Purpose: To support development of treatments for the underlying cause of the disease and, ultimately, a cure for CF.
  • Eligibility: Matching funding required. U.S.-based and non U.S.-based research and development focused companies welcome to apply. Milestone completion and subsequent funding requirement.
Conservation, Food & Health Foundation – Conservation, Food & Health Foundation Grants
  • Due: January 1 (Round 1); July 1 (Round 2) annually
  • Funding: $25,000-$50,000
  • Project period: 1 to 2 years
  • Purpose: To support projects that have the potential to advance the field, build capacity in local areas, promote replication, influence public opinion and policy, affect systems change, and benefit people beyond the scope of the immediate project (projects focused on underfunded issues and geographic areas preferred).
  • Eligibility: Non-governmental local, state, and regional organizations in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East in the countries where the projects are base and organizations from upper-income countries working with local partners in these areas. 
Cystic Fibrosis FoundationStudent Loan Repayment Program
  • Due: During and up to 4 months after active award period
  • Funding: $14,000 per year maximum
  • Project period: One-time payment
  • Purpose: To assist with repayment of educational loan debt associated with a graduate-level degree.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must be current awardees of one of the following CFF programs: 1. First through fifth Year Clinical Fellows, 2. Harry Shwachman CF Clinical Investigator, 3. LeRoy Matthews Physician-Scientist, 4. Envision CF: Emerging Leaders in CF Endocrinology II Program, and 5. Developing Innovative Gastroenterology Specialty Training (DIGEST) Program. Other eligibility requirements may apply.
Department of Defense (DOD) – Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) – Neuroscience
  • Due: Rolling
  • Funding: Stipend (amount not specified)
  • Project period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support mentored training of postdoctoral scientists who will gain hands-on experience and develop skills in molecular neuroscience research. Project focus: comparing how secondary insults after traumatic brain injury worsen cognition and motor activity, and increase damage to lungs, gut, and kidney. Program administered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU).
  • Eligibility: PhD received within 5 years of award date and 2-4 years of neuroscience research using quantitative neuropathology and immunohistochemistry required.
Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER) – Mentored Research Training Grants
  • Due: February 15 and August 15 annually
  • Funding: $250,000
  • Project period: 2 years
  • Purpose: To support the skills development of anesthesiologists and collection of preliminary data needed to be successful in obtaining future grants and publishing research as they seek to become independent investigators.
  • Eligibility: Faculty members who have completed their core anesthesiology training within the past 10 years who are focused on any area of research that will contribute to advancement in patient care and has the potential to lead to extramural research (including basic science, clinical, translational, health services and education research.
Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER) – Research Training Grants
  • Due: February 15 and August 15 annually
  • Funding: $75,000
  • Project period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support training of anesthesiology residents in research techniques and scientific methods. Research areas: Basic science, clinical, translational, health services or education research.
  • Eligibility: Anesthesiology trainees after CA-1 year; 80% protected time required.
Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER) – Transition to Independence Grant
  • Due: Rolling
  • Funding: $75,000
  • Project period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support the transition of scientists from mentored training-focused support to research independence for all types of cancers.
  • Eligibility: Funds are awarded to institutions. Applicants must demonstrate that their project aligns with GFCR’s mission. 20% protected time required.
Foundation for Peripheral NeuropathyPeripheral Neuropathy Research
  • Due: Rolling LOI submission
  • Funding: Not specified
  • Project period: Not specified
  • Purpose: To new investigators seeking to conduct research on regeneration and recovery related to peripheral nerves, encourage well-established researchers in other areas to utilize their knowledge and skills to peripheral neuropathy research, and to enable researchers with novel ideas to test and develop pilot data for seeking larger awards from NIH and other funding entities.
  • Eligibility: New investigators, established investigators new to peripheral neuropathy research, and researchers with novel ideas relevant to the topic may apply.
Gateway for Cancer ResearchGFCR Grant Program
  • Due: Rolling
  • Funding: $200,000 to $1.5 M
  • Project period: 2 to 5 years
  • Purpose: To fund early phase clinical trials at renowned institutions for all types of cancers.
  • Eligibility: Funds are awarded to institutions. Applicants must demonstrate that their project aligns with GFCR’s mission.
  • Note: Rolling LOI submissions aggregated 4 times a year. Submit LOI prior to deadline for this cycle.
Gateway for Cancer ResearchSIO Integrative Program
  • Due: Rolling
  • Funding: $200,000 to $1.5 M
  • Project period: 2 to 5 years
  • Purpose: To fund integrative oncology research that pairs conventional therapies with evidence-based integrative therapies to manage symptoms and side effects from treatment and increase quality of life, especially post-treatment.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must demonstrate that their project aligns with GFCR’s mission.
  • Note: Rolling LOI submissions aggregated 4 times a year. Submit LOI prior to deadline for this cycle.
Gateway for Cancer ResearchNCI/SPORE Program
  • Due: Rolling
  • Funding: $200,000 to $800,000
  • Project period: 2 to 5 years
  • Purpose: A partnership with the NCI to give SPORE recipients a chance to apply for supplemental funding for their early phase, innovative clinical trials and enable principal investigators and their respective institutions to start a new trial through an additional arm, add patient cohorts and/or new correlative analysis. 
  • Eligibility: Applicants must demonstrate that their project aligns with GFCR’s mission.
  • Note: Rolling LOI submissions aggregated 4 times a year. Submit LOI prior to deadline for this cycle.
Immune Tolerance NetworkRequest for Applications
  • Due: Open; Concept Proposals accepted year-round
    • Full applications accepted by invitation
  • Funding: Not specified
  • Project period: Not specified
  • Purpose: To fund research in 1) allergy & asthma, 2) autoimmune diseases, 3) kidney & liver transplantation, and 4) assays & biomarkers.
  • Note: ITN does not accept proposals for non-human or preclinical studies.
Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) Foundation – Cure LGS 365 Research Grants
  • Due: Open
  • Funding: $25,000 (Level 1); $50,000 (level 2); $70,000 (level 3)
  • Project period: Not specified
  • Purpose: To provide seed funding for new basic, translational, and clinical research projects related to LGS, characterized by seizure types and hallmark EEG features. Priority areas include sleep, expressive communication, and EEG network evolution to LGS.
  • Eligibility: Physicians and scientists holding a faculty or investigator appointment at any career level may apply.
Michael J. Fox Foundation – Parkinson’s Disease Therapeutics Pipeline Program
  • Due: Rolling pre-application
    • Full applications accepted by invitation
  • Funding: Not specified
  • Project period: Not specified
  • Purpose: To advance therapeutic development through pre-clinical and/or clinical testing of approaches addressing unmet needs of people with Parkinson’s disease, to prevent, stop, or delay disease progression or reduce the burden of daily symptoms. Applicants with selected pre-proposals will be invited to submit an application.
  • Eligibility: Open to industry and industry-academia collaborations.
NIH/FIC/NCIInternational Research Scientist Development Award (IRSDA) (K01) Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed
  • Due: Standard March dates.
  • Funding: Up to $150,000 per year
  • Project period: Up to 5 years
  • Purpose: To provide protected time for conducting postdoctoral mentored global health research in low-  and middle-income countries to strengthen global health research.
NIHAdministrative Supplements to Promote Research Continuity and Retention of NIH Mentored Career Development (K) Award Recipients and Scholars
  • Due: Varies by awarding IC
  • Funding: Up to $50,000 direct costs
  • Project period: Up to 1 year
  • Purpose: To sustain mentored investigator’s research during critical life events. Applications may be submitted in advance of a known event or after the fact.
  • Note: Funds can be used for staff, supplies, or equipment within the original scope of research for the currently-funded grant period.
NIHNotice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplement for Continuity of Biomedical and Behavioral Research Among First-Time Recipients of NIH Research Project Grant Awards
  • Due: Varies by awarding IC
  • Funding: Up to $50,000 direct costs
  • Project period: Up to 1 year
  • Purpose: To enhance the retention of investigators facing critical life events who are approaching the first renewal of their first independent grant or to a second new NIH grant.
NIH – Notice of Special Interest: NCI Supports Applications for the Mentored Research Scientist Development Awards (K01) Within the Mission of the Division of Cancer Control and Population
  • Due: Rolling through May 7, 2029
  • Funding: Not specified
  • Project period: Up to 5 years
  • Purpose: To support early career scientists conducting research within the mission of the Division of Cancer control and Population Sciences for the Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01), with the goal of eliminating cancer and its consequences for those impacted. Standard submission dates apply: Cycle 1- Feb 12; Cycle 2 – June 12; Cycle 3 – October 12.
  • Eligibility: Candidates must have a research or health-professional doctoral degree and be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or a non-citizen national of the U.S. Mentor required. This opportunity may also support individuals who will be training in a new field or who have had a hiatus in their research career due to illness or pressing family circumstances.
National Institutes of HealthCareer Development (K) Awards
  • New Applications due: annually on June 12, October 12
  • Renewal/Revision/Resubmission: annually on March 12, July 12, November 12
National Institutes of Health – Individual Fellowship (F) Awards
  • All Types Due: annually on April 8, August 8, December 8
National Institutes of Health – NIH Small Grant Program (R03)
  • Standard Receipt Dates: June 16, October 16
Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (PeDRA) Study Support Grants
  • Due: Rolling
  • Funding: Up to $4,000
  • Project Period: 6 months.
  • Purpose: To fund statistical and/or publication support of active PeDRA Studies
  • Eligibility: Study Support Grants are available to PeDRA Members only.  Please login or join PeDRA to access deadline details and other content.
Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network – Congenital and Perinatal Infections Consortium Scholars Program
  • Due: Rolling
  • Funding: Not specified
  • Project period: 2 years
  • Purpose: Sponsored by the Career Enhancement Core of the Congenital and Perinatal Infections Consortium (CPIC) to support scholars conducting mentored research.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must be fellows or early-stage faculty.
Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network – Pichichero Family Foundation Research Award in Pediatric Infectious Diseases Request for Proposals
  • Due: Rolling
  • Funding: $50,000
  • Project period: Up to 2 years
  • Purpose: To support outstanding investigators performing translational or clinical research focused on pediatric infectious diseases, with priority given to research involving vaccine development or that expands field knowledge of pathogenesis and moves the field towards the development of new vaccines and therapeutics.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must be members of PIDS. Intended for Pediatric infectious diseases physicians and scientists with MDs and/or PhDs. Established investigators whose pursuing a new direction in research may also apply.
Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network – VCRC-VF Fellowship Program
  • Due: Rolling
  • Funding: Not specified.
  • Project period: 2 years
  • Purpose: Sponsored by the Vasculitis Clinical Research Consortium (VCRC) to provide mentored training for physician-investigators who show commitment to vasculitis and seek to pursue specialized training involving clinical and/or translational patient-oriented clinical investigation. Fellowships will begin in alignment with the academic calendar in North America (alternate schedules may be accepted).
  • Eligibility: Applicants must have an MD, PhD, or equivalent and have completed residency and preferably have sub-specialty training relevant to vasculitis. A training license or full license to practice in the state/province where the fellowship will take place and host country citizenship or valid visa is required.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health
  • Due: Open
  • Funding: Not specified
  • Project period: Up to 3 years
  • Purpose: To support research that addresses any four areas of focus: Future of Evidence; Future of Social Interaction; Future of Food; Future of Work, and also research that offers novel approaches to advancing health equity and progress towards a Culture of Health.
  • Eligibility: Lead applicants must be based in the U.S. if there are international collaborations. Preference will be given to applicants that are either public entities or nonprofit organization with tax-exempt status.
The Milbank Foundation – Grants
  • Due: Open (LOIs required)
  • Funding: Not specified
  • Project period: Not specified
  • Purpose: To support projects that seek to integrate people living with disabilities into all aspects of American life. Priorities include: rehabilitation and re-integration of veterans, especially veterans with disabilities, helping seniors to age where they choose through non-institutional, community-based health and social services, market-oriented, patient-centered health care reforms across the country, and mental health programs, substance abuse and suicide prevention, especially around young people.
  • Eligibility: U.S.-based, tax-exempt organizations (under the U.S. IRS code) are eligible.
Tourette Association of America – Support for Research Consortia and Collaborative Research Projects
  • Due: Rolling (LOI)
  • Funding: Not specified
  • Project period: Not specified
  • Purpose: To provide seed funding to research consortia working on large issues relevant to TS, including the TAA genetics consortium, neuroimaging consortium, behavioral sciences consortium, deep brain stimulation registry and Treating Tourette Together summit and other projects that have direct impact on the patient and research community.
  • Eligibility: Funding will be provided for projects involving collaboration among researchers and institutions.
W.K. Kellogg Foundation – Grants
  • Due: Open (LOIs accepted at any time)
  • Funding: Not specified
  • Project period: Not specified
  • Purpose: To support organizations creating a world where children, families and communities can thrive. One area of focus: Increasing accessibility to health care for mothers, birthing people and babies where they live.
  • Eligibility: Organizations with projects that match the mission (advancing innovative, community-driven solutions) of W.K. Kellogg Foundation may apply.



Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationRequest for Proposals
  • Due: March 25, 2025
  • Funding: Varies per mechanism
  • Project Period: Varies per mechanism
  • Purpose: To support research that seeks to improve the health and lives of people living in the U.S. (funds usually given to U.S.-based non-profit organizations).
  • Eligibility: See specific mechanism
    Reducing the Burden of Preeclampsia – seeking innovative solutions for the early detection, prevention, and treatment of preeclampsia, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Collaborations with research institutions, health care providers, and global health organizations that generate cross-sector insights and adaptable and practical solutions. Up to $500,000 for up to two years.
    Innovative Data and Modeling Approaches to Measure Women’s Health – Projects led by women, early-career researchers and practitioners seeking to innovate in women’s health measurement, or from women-led organizations and applications from institutions based in low- and middle-income countries are encouraged. Up to $150,000 for 18 to 24 months.
    Innovations for Gram-Negative Antibiotic Discovery – Supports discovery of antibiotics with broad spectrum activity against Enterobacteriaceae, using Klebsiella spp. as the pathogen to initiate a discovery program. Diverse, multi- and inter-disciplinary teams are encouraged. Up to $5,000,000 for up to 3 years.
    Accelerating Innovations to Address Heavy Menstrual Bleeding in Women in Low-Resource Settings Applications involving projects led by women or from women-led organizations and applications from institutions based in low- and middle-income countries are encouraged. Up to $150,000 for up to two years.
    Enhancing HIV and TB Diagnosis: Adjunct Technologies for Sample Collection and Processing – Supports development of projects that enable easier, more affordable, and self-administered sample collection, preparation and lysis to support innovative PoC tests with faster turnaround times. Projects led by women or from women-led organizations and applications from institutions based in low- and middle-income countries are encouraged. $100,000 to $250,000 for up to 2 years.
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance2026 Requests for Proposals
  • Due: March 26, 2025(LOI)
  • Funding: Varies per mechanism
  • Project Period: 1 to 3 years
  • Purpose: To support postdoctoral fellows, early career independent investigators, and teams of experienced investigators whose research focuses on accelerating the path to a cure for ovarian cancer and/or related gynecologic cancers.
  • Eligibility: Educational and non-profit organizations eligible.
    RFP for Collaborative Research Development Grant – A team of researchers with full-time faculty appointments required, with at least one faculty w/ experience in research related to ovarian cancer and/or related gynecologic cancer. Up to $900,000 for years.
    RFP in Collaborative Research Development Grant-Microsoft AI for Health – Supports cancer research using AI or machine learning. A team of researchers with full-time faculty appointments required, with at least one faculty w/ experience in research related to ovarian cancer and/or related gynecologic cancer. Up to $900,000 for 3 years.
    RFP for Early Career Investigator GrantCandidates must have an MD/DO and/or PhD degree and be in the first seven years of their first academic appointment post fellowship or postdoctoral training completion July by 2025 (Assistant Professor or equivalent). Up to $450,000 for 3 years.
    RFP for Mentored Investigator GrantApplicants must be either clinical fellows or post-doctoral fellows withan MD/DO and/orPhD degree at the time of LOI submission (PhDs should be no more than 5 years, awarded 2020 or later; MD/DO and MD/PhDs must be currently enrolled in a fellowship program). Up to $100,000 for 1 to 2 years.
    RFP for Health Equity Research GrantPrincipal Investigators at all stages of their careers are eligible to apply. Applicants must have either their PhD, ScD, MD or other doctoral degree at the time of application. Up to $200,000 for up to 1 to 2 years.
Pediatric Dermatology Research AllianceResearch Fellowships Program
  • Due: March 27, 2025
  • Funding: Up to$25,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: A stipend to support the development of the next generation of physician scientists and the advancement of active research projects in the field of pediatric dermatology. Fellowships take place at the institution of the fellowship mentor.
  • Eligibility: Post-graduate trainees or medical students who are able to devote at least 50% of their effort to research during the award period may apply. Faculty members are not eligible. Mentors must be active PeDRA members.
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)Career Development Award
  • Due: March 31, 2025
  • Funding: $200,000
  • Project Period: 3 years
  • Purpose: To support clinical investigators in their initial full-time, faculty appointment to help them gain research experience under the guidance of a mentor.
  • Eligibility: For applicants with an MD, DO, or international equivalent who has been, no more that 4 years, in their initial faculty appointment.  Cancer related research must be patient-oriented, including a clinical research study and/or translational research using human subjects. A valid, active medical license, ASCO membership is required, and 50% protected time required.
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)Young Investigator Award
  • Due: March 31, 2025
  • Funding: $50,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support physicians during the transition from a fellowship program to a faculty appointment.
  • Eligibility: For physicians (MD, DO, or international equivalent), pursuing a research career in clinical oncology who are currently in the last two years of their final oncology subspecialty training at an academic medical institution and within 10 years of obtaining their medical degree at the time of grant submission. A valid, active medical license in the country where research will be conducted is required. ASCO membership, a mentor and 60% protected time required.
Melanoma Research FoundationMRF Breakthrough Consortium (MRFBC) Pilot Translational Award
  • Due: March 31, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $50,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support pilot proposal that will create findings that could facilitate larger, multicenter grant proposals.
  • Eligibility: The grant applicant (PI) must be from a MRFBC institution. Applicants must hold a PhD or MD degree or equivalent at the time of submission (postdoctorals, research fellows, research associates, scientists, instructors, or asst., assoc., or full professors). Associate or full professors must include a more junior faculty member on the application. Proposed research must be conducted at an institution in the U.S.
Melanoma Research FoundationCareer Development Award (CDA)
  • Due: March 31, 2025
  • Funding: $50,000 per year
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: To support research projects focused on melanoma for early career researchers to help them generate the data necessary for obtaining larger grants.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must be postdoctoral fellows with less than five years of postdoctoral experience or a research associate, instructor, assistant professor or equivalent.
Melanoma Research FoundationEstablished Investigator Award (EIA)
  • Due: March 31, 2025
  • Funding: $125,000 per year
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: To support research projects for established melanoma researchers or investigators working in closely related fields who seek to transition to melanoma research. Additional grants offered this year: 1) for a project focused on lethal melanoma and/or identifying lethal melanoma biomarkers at the patient tumor and/or blood level (award in honor of Katie Morgan), and 2) one grant for a pediatric melanoma focused project.
  • Eligibility: Established melanoma investigators and established investigators in related fields who would like to transition to melanoma research.
Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging2025 Mars Shot Research Fund Grants
  • Due: March 31, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $40,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To help leverage nuclear medicine to open new paths to curing complex diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s with precision therapies that deliver real-time results.
  • Eligibility: Not specified.
    Community Based Theranostics Grant – $100,000 for highly innovative research to  improve/expand access to theranostic radiopharmaceuticals and advancing collaboration between academic research centers and community-based practices to improve patient access to nuclear medicine and molecular imaging.
    FIVE General or Innovator’s Grant – $100,000 for highly innovative research initiatives aimed at advancing precision and personalized healthcare through diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine.
    Early Detection of Prostate Cancer Grant – $100,000 for nuclear medicine research that seek to advance prostate cancer care through redefining detection of micrometastatic and low volume disease, a path to improve patient care.
PfizerPfizer Research Call for Collaborator(s): Global Call for Collaborators – Pfizer RSV OA Research
  • Due: March 31, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $500,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support investigators with innovative proposals who are interested in partnering with Pfizer and potentially other investigators on co-developing research studies focused on the respiratory syncytial virus vaccine(Pfizer – Abrysvo).
  • Eligibility: Applicants must have a medical or postdoctoral degree (MD, PhD, or equivalent), an advanced nursing degree (BSN with an MS/PhD), or a degree in Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, or Social Work. PI must be an employee or contractor of the organization applying.


American Association of Obstetrics and Gynecologists FoundationBridge Funding Award: Request for Proposals
  • Due: April 1, 2025
  • Funding: Up to$75,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To help provide continuity of research being conducted by promising scientists in the field (projects addressing important problems in obstetrics, gynecology, or women’s health). Basic and translational research projects are encouraged. Priority will be given to programs with a strong likelihood that the investigator will be likely to succeed in obtaining independent extramural funding by the end of the award.
  • Eligibility: Asst. professors or above with an MD or DO in the Obstetrics and Gynecology field are eligible.
American Chemical SocietyArthur C. Cope Postdoctoral Fellowship in Organic Chemistry
  • Due: April 1, 2025
  • Funding: $85,000
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: To support PhD candidates or postdoctoral researchers within their first two years of pursuing postdoctoral research in organic chemistry.
  • Eligibility: For research being conducted in the U.S. or in a U.S. territory. Researchers who have demonstrated excellence in organic chemistry and the potential to contribute significantly to research, teaching, and innovations in the field and have also demonstrated a commitment to mentoring.
American Epilepsy SocietySeed Grant Program
  • Due: April 2, 2025
  • Funding: Up to$20,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support established investigators in conducting preliminary research that will lay the groundwork for larger grants from government, industry, or other funding sources for research to advance understanding, treatment, and prevention of epilepsy.
  • Eligibility: Intended for established investigators who seek to pursue new and innovative directions in epilepsy research or introduce new research methods or develop new collaborations with scientists in other fields.
American Psychological Foundation – Visionary Grants
  • Due: April 3, 2025
  • Funding: Up to$20,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To provide seed funding for innovative research education and intervention projects and programs that use psychology to solve social problems in various areas of priority.
  • Eligibility: For graduate students or early career researchers (no more than 10 years postdoctoral) who are affiliated with an educational or scientific institution, a nonprofit charitable organization or a governmental agency operating exclusively for charitable and educational purposes.
Cystic Fibrosis FoundationClinical Research Award
  • Due: April 3, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: Up to $150,000
  • Project Period: Up to 3 years
  • Purpose: To provide support for investigator-initiated clinical research projects that have potential to make important contributions to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s mission. Projects may focus on diagnosis, treatment, management of disease or symptom, or the pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis using clinical, translational, or epidemiologic study approaches.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must be independent investigators, hold a faculty-level appointment, and demonstrate access to sufficient numbers of CF patients and appropriate controls.
Cystic Fibrosis FoundationClinical Pilot and Feasibility Awards
  • Due: April 3, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: $80,000/year (single-center); $150,000/year (multi-center)
  • Project Period: Up to 2 years
  • Purpose: To support projects involving human subjects, to develop and test new hypothesis and/or new methods (or application of existing methods that are being applied to cystic fibrosis (CF) for the first time) and to support promising research scientists seeking to become established in the CF field. Up to an additional $100,000 of supplemental funding over the entire project may be available.
  • Eligibility: Candidates must be independent investigators. New or established investigators with no previous work in cystic fibrosis research who would like to apply their expertise to a relevant problem may apply.
Gilead RELATE PBC Request for Proposals: REal-world treAtmenT with sEladelpar for PBC
  • Due: April 3, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: Not specified.
  • Project Period: Not specified.
  • Purpose: To support proposals aimed at addressing one of three topics in treating primary biliary cholangitis: 1. Determine the real-world effectiveness and tolerability (including long-term) of seladelpar based on biochemical measures of cholestasis, liver injury, or inflammation and non-invasive tests (e.g. liver stiffness measures) 2. Evaluate the impact (including long-term) of seladelpar on patients living with PBC, e.g. symptoms (especially, pruritus and fatigue), quality of life, and activities of daily living, or 3. Characterize effectiveness and tolerability of seladelpar across a broad range of patients.
  • Eligibility: Investigator-sponsored research and collaborative research studies will be accepted. LOIs will only be reviewed in countries where seladelpar is commercially available. Research proposals must include a comprehensive publication plan to present study results at scientific forums and publish in journals.
WellcomeCareer Development Award
  • Due: April 3, 2025
  • Funding: Up to £250,000
  • Project Period: Up to 8 years (part-time available)
  • Purpose: To support mid-career scientists in any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders.
  • Eligibility: Mid-career researchers who are ready to lead a substantial and innovative research program to generate significant shifts in understanding and/or develop methodologies, conceptual frameworks, tools or techniques that could benefit health-related research.
American Association for Cancer Research – AACR-Ocular Melanoma Foundation Miriam Counts Innovation and Discovery Grants
  • Due: April 8, 2025
  • Funding:$50,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support creative approaches to translate basic research into new types of treatments for ocular/uveal melanoma.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must be independent investigators affiliated with an academic, medical, or non-profit research institution, and hold a doctoral degree (PhD, MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) in a related field.
American Association for Cancer Research – AACR-Ocular Melanoma Foundation Research Fellowship
  • Due: April 8, 2025
  • Funding:$130,000
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: A joint effort with the Ocular Melanoma Foundation to support a postdoctoral or clinical research fellow who will be conducting ocular/uveal melanoma research and help them establish a successful career path in ophthalmology, ocular oncology, uveal melanoma biology, or a similar field. The research proposal must be translational or clinical in nature and have direct, primary applicability and relevance to ocular/uveal melanoma.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must have a doctoral degree, including PhD, MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent (completed within the past five years) in a related field and hold a mentored research position as a postdoctoral fellow, clinical research fellow, or equivalent. Mentor required.
Wellcome – Discovery Awards
  • Due: April 8, 2025
  • Funding: Up to £250,000
  • Project Period: Unspecified (average size of award is £3.5 million)
  • Purpose: To provide funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who seek to pursue bold and creative research ideas that deliver significant shifts in understanding to improve human life, health and wellbeing.
  • Eligibility: Established researchers or teams of researchers led by an established researcher conducting bold and creative research may apply.
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer – 2025 Reach Grant
  • Due: April 10, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $250,000
  • Project Period: Up to 2 years
  • Purpose: To support U.S.- and Canadian-based translational studies resulting in phase 1 &/or phase 2 clinical trial w/in 2-3 yrs.
  • Eligibility: Appointed faculty with an MD, PhD, or MD/PhD or equivalent with a demonstrated pediatric cancer research track record.
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Metascience and AI Postdoctoral Fellowships
  • Due: April 10, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $250,000
  • Project Period: Up to 2 years
  • Purpose: To support early career researchers in the social sciences and humanities (with particular emphasis on philosophy, sociology of science, and metascience) who are interested in building a career in understanding the implications of AI for the science and research ecosystem.
  • Eligibility: Open to non-tenured, early career researchers will hold a PhD by the start date of the fellowship or who can demonstrate equivalent research or innovation experience. 100% protected time required.
American College of Chest Physicians CHEST Research Grant in COPD
  • Due: April 14, 2025
  • Funding: $30,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support projects that address clinical, population, or community engagement/health services aspects of COPD with relevance to the prevention and/or reduction in morbidity or mortality related to COPD. Projects must demonstrate how they will have a positive impact on the lung health of a community.
  • Eligibility: CHEST membership required. Applicants must be licensed physicians, residents, fellows, or other health care professionals, clinical researchers with relevant experience who have completed their post-graduate training within the last 7 years may apply.
American Association of Obstetrics and Gynecologists FoundationAAOGF/SASGOG Pilot Grant
  • Due: April 15, 2025
  • Funding:$25,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To help early career scientist generate preliminary data and foster a mentor relationship which are necessary for future mentored awards.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must hold and academic appointment (asst. or assoc. professor), have completed the Program for Researchers in Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences (PROGRESS) Course or have completed a research fellowship in general obstetrics and gynecology. Other requirements: MD or DO and completed residency in obstetrics and gynecology by the time of the award, be ABOG certified or eligible.
AstaZeneca2025 Call for Grant Applications: Hepatobiliary Cancers (including HCC & BTCs)
  • Due: April 15, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $150,000 to $250,000
  • Project Period: Not specified
  • Purpose: To support general education and awareness on bispecifics, including but not limited to MoA, role in the treatment of hepatobiliary cancers, current bispecifics landscape, how bispecifics differ from monoclononal antibodies and other common treatment modalities.
  • Eligibility: Medical Oncologist and others who treat hepatobiliary cancers may apply. The Program must be accredited and fully compliant with the criteria and/or standards of commercial support for ACCME, AAFP, AOA, ACPE, ANCC, AANP, NCCPA, C AP, AM P, U SC A P. Furthermore, the program will be educational and non-promotional and will be planned, designed and implemented in accordance with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Guidance on Industry- Supported Scientific and Educational Activities (“Policy Statement”).
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Foundation (PhRMA Foundation)Faculty Starter Grants
  • Due: April 15, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: $100,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To provide support for individuals in academia who do not have other substantial sources of research funding.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must be full-time, promotion-eligible, research-intensive faculty at a PhD and/or MS degree-granting accredited U.S. university by the time of award start date, and be eligible to apply for independent external research funding by their university. They should not have other substantial sources of research funding, excluding intramural funding or start-up funding from their university.
    Drug Delivery – for individuals beginning independent careers at the faculty level at an accredited U.S. university in drug delivery research, including basic pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical biotechnology, or biomedical engineering.
    Drug Discovery – for individuals beginning independent careers in drug discovery research at the faculty level at an accredited U.S. university.
    Translational Medicine – for individuals beginning independent research careers who are focused on identifying unmet clinical needs and developing new diagnostic, experimental, and computational approaches and technologies to improve patient care and management.
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Foundation (PhRMA Foundation)Postdoctoral Fellowships
  • Due: April 15, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: $60,000 per year
  • Project Period: 12, 18, or 24 months
  • Purpose: To support promising postdoctoral trainees interested in further developing and refining their research skills in the areas of drug delivery, drug discovery or translational medicine.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must currently be at a PhD and/or MS degree-granting accredited U.S. university and hold a PhD, PharmD, MD, or appropriate terminal research doctorate in a field of study related to the proposed postdoctoral project. Applicants that expect to receive their doctoral degree before activating the award may also apply. A firm commitment from a research supervisor or sponsor at the applicant’s institution is required. NIH K99/R00 awardees are not eligible to apply.
    Drug Delivery – focused on drug delivery research, including basic pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical biotechnology, or biomedical engineering.
    Drug Discovery – focused on drug discovery research (innovative application and integration of multiple scientific disciplines to create efficacious, safe, and differentiated treatment options for patients).
    Translational Medicine – focused on identifying unmet clinical needs and developing new diagnostic, experimental, and computational approaches and technologies to improve patient care and management.
WellcomeMental Health Award: Advancing target validation for novel mental health drug discovery
  • Due: April 15, 2025 (preliminary application deadline)
  • Funding: Up to £700,000 per project
  • Project Period: Up to 2 years
  • Purpose: To provide funding for validation activities for novel targets with a clear therapeutic concept that will generate data supporting the target’s therapeutic potential in the development of new and improved pharmacological treatments.
  • Eligibility: Interdisciplinary research teams that include disciplines relevant to drug discovery and mental health science are eligible to apply.
Whitehall FoundationResearch Grants
  • Due: April 15, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: $100,000 per year
  • Project Period: 2 to 3 years; renewal up to 2 years possible (awarded on competitive basis)
  • Purpose: To support research scientists working at accredited institutions in the U.S. with innovative proposals.
  • Eligibility: For established independent researchers (Assistant Professor or higher) of all ages. Tenure track not required.  Researchers with substantial extramural funding ($200,00/year) are not eligible.
Whitehall FoundationGrants-in-Aid
  • Due: April 15, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: $30,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support researchers at the Assistant Professor level (or equivalent) who have not yet acquired research funds. Grants may also support some established scientists (check eligibility).
  • Eligibility: For early-career scientists at the Assistant Professor level and established scientists transitioning to new areas of research. Awards granted based on innovation of proposal, scientific merit, and evidence of the candidate’s continued productivity.
Pediatric Dermatology Research AllianceEmerging Investigator Research Grants Program
  • Due: April 17, 2025
  • Funding: $4,000 (for an in-person project); $1,500 (for remote mentored project)
  • Project Period: Up to 12 weeks
  • Purpose: To support short-term mentored research experiences in pediatric dermatology for medical students and pediatric residents and recent graduates. Priority consideration for projects that address high-priority patient-centered research questions and those that align with the focus of any of PeDRA’s Focused Study Groups.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must be actively enrolled as either medical students or pediatric residents in an accredited medical school in North America, or recent graduates. 50% protected time required. Mentors must have PeDRA affiliation.
PfizerPfizer Independent Medical Education Grant Requests for Proposals (RFP): Advances in Migraine Management
  • Due: April 21, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $200,000
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: To support projects that identify and address the educational needs of healthcare professionals to improve care, management, and outcomes of adult patients with migraine.
  • Eligibility: Medical, dental, nursing, allied health, and/or pharmacy professional schools; healthcare institutions; professional organizations/medical societies; medical education companies; and other entities with a mission related to healthcare professional education and/or healthcare improvement are eligible.
American Association for Cancer ResearchAACR-AstraZeneca Endometrial Cancer Research Fellowship
  • Due: April 22, 2025
  • Funding: $130,000
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: A joint effort to support postdoctoral or clinical research fellows conducting endometrial cancer research and help them establish a successful career path in this field. Research proposals for funding must have direct applicability to endometrial cancer and may involve basic, translational, clinical, or population sciences research.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must have a doctoral degree, (PhD, MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent completed within the past five years; degree must not have been conferred before July 1, 2020) in a related field and hold a mentored research position as a postdoctoral fellow, clinical research fellow, or equivalent. Mentor required.
American Association for Cancer ResearchAACR-Exelixis Renal Cell Carcinoma Research Fellowship
  • Due: April 23, 2025
  • Funding: $130,000
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: A joint effort with Exelixis to support a postdoctoral or clinical research fellow conducting renal cell carcinoma research and help them establish a successful career path in this field. Research proposals for funding may be in basic, translational, clinical, or population sciences research and must have direct applicability and relevance to renal cell carcinoma.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must have a doctoral degree, (PhD, MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent completed within the past five years; degree must not have been conferred before July 1, 2020) in a related field and hold a mentored research position as a postdoctoral fellow, clinical research fellow, or equivalent at an academic, medical, or research institution. Mentor required.
Burroughs Wellcome FundClimate Change and Human Health Seed Grants
  • Due: April 24, 2025
  • Funding: $2,500 to $50,000
  • Project Period: Not specified; based on quarterly reviews
  • Purpose: To foster collaboration between scholars working in largely disconnected fields (basic/early biomedical scientific approaches and ecological, environmental, geological, geographic, planetary-scale thinking, and with population-focused fields, including epidemiology and public health, demography, economics, and urban planning) to change the course of climate change’s impact on human health.
  • Eligibility: Open to scientists at all levels. 
International Headache Society – IHS Clinical and Basic Science Headache Research Fellowship Award
  • Due: April 28, 2025
  • Funding: £ 50,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support innovative and impactful research from early career investigators, promote their career in the field of headache, and increase base knowledge of headache disorders. Projects for basic or clinical science headache research or a combination of basic and clinical research will be considered. One fellowship is specifically available for applicants from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs); two expert mentors are required for an LMIC fellowship.
  • Eligibility: Applicant and mentor must be a member of IHS and be professionally involved in the treatment, research or management of headache disorders. Applicants should be within 6 years of completing training as an MD, PhD, or specialty training, not including non-professional periods.
International Anesthesia Research SocietyIARS Mentored Research Award
  • Due: April 30, 2025
  • Funding: $175,000
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: To support the development of promising investigators in anesthesiology and related sciences, and help them prepare to apply for independent research funding.
  • Eligibility: Membership required. Investigators with less than 10 years post completion of clinical training or a PhD who have not yet established substantial independent research funding or who are initiating a new area of research may apply. 45% protected time required. Prior or current awardees of NIH R grants, NIH K grants, AHA Young Investigator Awards, VA Career Development Awards, or the equivalent, are not eligible.


American Heart Association SciencePilot Grants to Explore the Use of the American Heart Association Protein Binding Atlas to Discover Novel Protein Interactions
  • Due: May 1, 2025
  • Funding: $100,000
  • Project Period: Up to 1 year
  • Purpose: To support innovative pilot projects focused on predicting and understanding protein-protein and protein-small molecule interactions involved in key biological processes associated with cardiovascular, kidney, and metabolic diseases, including obesity. Use of the AHA’s Protein Portal is encouraged for these projects.
  • Eligibility: AHA research awards are limited to U.S.-based non-profit institutions. To learn more about eligibility, attend the informational webinar scheduled for February 12, 2025.
American Society of HematologyASH Scholar Award
  • Due: May 1, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: Up to $100,000
  • Project Period: 2 to 3 years
  • Purpose: To help new scientists transition from a research trainee to establishing and independent career in hematology research.
  • Eligibility: Varies per award level. Membership required.
    Fellow Scholar Award applicants must be in mentored, postdoctoral training positions with five or fewer years of research experience post terminal doctoral degree completion.
    Fellow to Faculty Scholar Award applicants must be mentored, postdoctoral trainees with five to eight years of research experience following completion of their terminal doctoral degree and have no more than $150,000 annually in research funding.
    Junior Faculty Scholar Award applicants must have between eight and 13 years of research experience following completion of their terminal doctoral degree. Applicants with faculty level appointments must apply for this award.
American Society of HematologyBridge Grant
  • Due: May 1, 2025
  • Funding: $150,000
  • Project Period: Not specified
  • Purpose: To allow scientists to continue research projects while awaiting NIH R01 (or other R01-equivalent) award funding.
  • Eligibility: Membership required. Designed for applicants who received a score for their NIH R01 grant application (submitted within the past 18 months) that have not yet been funded may apply (Alos for R01-equivalent grants). Applicants must hold a faculty position at an academic institution or the equivalent position at a non-profit research organization and have available no more than $500,000 annually in other research funding. See award description for recent expansion in eligibility requirements.
Pfizer – 2025 Headache Medicine Fellowship – US
  • Due: May 4, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $80,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support fellowship programs at institutions with clinical training programs in regions where there are continued workforce challenges and that have a strong focus on clinical practice, research, and education to advance the understanding of headache medicine.
  • Eligibility: This grant will be awarded to a U.S.-based academic institution with a fellowship program that includes independent research and a strong mentoring program. U.S. citizenship, permanent residency, asylum status, or appropriate non-immigrant visa status with authorization for U.S. employment is required. Fellows must have an MD or DO and be eligible to and plan to obtain a UCNS (United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties) certification after completing their fellowship. MDs and DOs with specialties outside of neurology may also apply.
The Mark Foundation for Cancer ResearchEmerging Leader Award
  • Due: May 5, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: $750,000
  • Project Period: 3 years
  • Purpose: To support outstanding early career investigators conducting innovative, high-impact, high-risk projects in cancer research that are distinct from the foundation’s current research portfolio.
  • Eligibility: PIs must hold an MD, PhD, or equivalent, be employed by a U.S. or Canadian non-profit academic institution and be three to eight years from the start of an independent faculty research appointment as of December 31, 2025. Additional funding might be available based on project milestones achieved.
Bristol Myers Squibb FoundationRobert A. Winn Excellence in Clinical Trials: Career Development Award (Winn CDA)
  • Due: May 12, 2025
  • Funding: $240,000
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: To support career development of early-stage physician scientists who are underrepresented in medicine or physicians who demonstrate commitment to increasing diversity in clinical research, and to becoming independent clinical trial investigators engaged in advancing health equity through research and mentoring.
  • Eligibility: Candidates must hold an MD, MD/PhD, DO or DO/PhD and have earned a terminal degree or residency within the past 10 years, identify as a member of a racial/ethnic group underrepresented in medicine, or have a demonstrated commitment to increasing diverse patient participation in clinical trials. 40% protected time required. R01 or equivalent awardees not eligible. U.S. citizenship, permanent residency or H-1B or O-1 Visa required. Clinical areas of focus: Cancer, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Immunologic Disorders. Mentor required.
PfizerGlobal Medical Grants & Partnerships RFP: Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer Cachexia
  • Due: May 13, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $250,000 to $500,000
  • Project Period: 18 months (preferred length)
  • Purpose: To support proposals for independent education initiatives that will improve patient outcomes by improving the efficiency of diagnosing symptoms, advancing treatment of cancer cachexia and increasing understanding of new therapeutic options currently in development.
  • Eligibility: Medical oncologists, oncology nurses/nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who care for and treat people with cancer are eligible.
Wellcome Mental Health Award: Advancing target validation for novel mental health drug discovery
  • Due: May 14, 2025 (neuromatch registration deadline)
  • Funding: Up to £1-5 million per project
  • Project Period: 3-5 years
  • Purpose: To provide funding for research teams who will integrate cutting-edge analytics of longitudinal datasets with experimental research that will lead to better ways of predicting the onset or progression of anxiety, depression and/or psychosis, as well as better targeted early interventions.
  • Eligibility: Teams should Include collaborations between diverse and multidisciplinary teams covering mental health and data science expertise. See funding information for other requirements and more details.
American Association for Cancer Research – AACR-ALK Positive Lung Cancer Research Fellowship
  • Due: May 15, 2025
  • Funding:$130,000
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: A joint effort with Exelixis to support a postdoctoral or clinical research fellow conducting ALK-positive lung cancer research and help them establish a successful career path in this field.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must have a doctoral degree, (PhD, MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent completed within the past five years; degree must not have been conferred before September 1, 2020) in a related field and hold a mentored research position as a postdoctoral fellow, clinical research fellow, or equivalent at an academic, medical, or research institution. Mentor required.
American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine – Steven P. Arnoczky Young Investigator Grant
  • Due: May 15, 2025
  • Funding: Up to$40,000
  • Project Period: Not specified
  • Purpose: To support early-career researchers (surgeons) doing clinical and basic science research to help them gain experience as a PI leading a team.
  • Eligibility: An applicant must be an orthopedic surgeon who has completed an approved residency program or is currently a resident in an approved program and has not received more than $25,000 in funding from organizations external to their parent institution.
American Pancreatic Association – Young Investigator in Pancreatology Grant
  • Due: May 15, 2025
  • Funding: $100,000
  • Project Period: Not specified
  • Purpose: To enhance training and experience for investigators who are in the early stages of their career and advance the field of pancreatology through basic and translational research in pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer.
  • Eligibility: Senior postdoctoral researchers, instructors, research associates and assistant professors, including clinical and research track faculty who have an MD, MD/PhD, PhD, or DVM may apply. Mentor required.
    APAF & IAP Grant: Co-sponsored by the International Association of Pancreatology for emerging international scientists located in the institutions outside North America.
    APAF & Pfizer Grant: For researchers studying clinical and scientific disparities in pancreatology (open to applicants at international and North American institutions through support from Pfizer Inc.).
    APAF Grants – To encourage research projects by the next generation of scientists with priority given to proposals related to pancreatitis and the relationship between pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer.
The Gerber FoundationResearch Grants: Fall Grant Round
  • Due: May 15, 2025 (concept papers due)
  • Funding: Up to $30,000; Up to $350,000
  • Project Period: Up to 3 years
  • Purpose: To support projects that will improve the nutrition, care and development of infants and young children from the prenatal year before birth to three years of age (proposals that can be easily and quickly implemented on a broad scale with a predictable time frame to clinical application).
  • Eligibility: Varies per mechanism
    Major Research Awards – Up to $350,000 for experienced PIs
    Novice Awards –
    Up to $30,000 for physicians, PhD candidates, PharmD candidates, and other similar degree candidates in a residency, postdoctoral, or fellowship training program or those with no more than one year post training who have not been a recipient of a K01 award from the National Institutes of Health and have an assigned mentor for the project and a current development plan.
GileadHBV B-PRO Request for Proposals (RFP): Evaluating Patient-Reported Outcomes Associated with HBV Treatment
  • Due: May 19, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: $200,000
  • Project Period: 18 months
  • Purpose: To support studies that utilize patient-reported outcomes along with clinical data as a tool to gain insight into the patients’ views on treatment experience, quality of life, and overall well-being to learn how hepatitis B virus (HBV) treatment affects their lives and influences perspectives on their healthcare and well-being.
    *Any project greater than $200,000 should be discussed with your Gilead Medical Science Liaison.
  • Eligibility: Research must focus on at least one of the topic areas listed in the RFP related to treating chronic hepatitis caused by HBV.
TSC Alliance Early-Stage Investigator Research Grants
  • Due: May 19, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: $150,000
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: To support research that addresses a high-priority area: 1) Understanding phenotypic heterogeneity in TSC, 2) Gaining a deeper knowledge of TSC signaling pathways and the cellular consequences of TSC deficiency, 3) Improving TSC models, or 4) Developing clinical biomarkers or patient-reported outcome measure for TSC.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must have an M.D., Ph.D. or equivalent and be an independent researcher (may also be non-tenured faculty or staff), or equivalent level at a research institution or company.
    Wong Family Foundation Research Award – all epilepsy-focused Postdoctoral Fellowship and Research Grant applicants will automatically be considered for this scholarship.
TSC Alliance Postdoctoral Fellowships
  • Due: May 19, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: $150,000
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: To support any type of basic or translational research relevant to TSC that provides opportunity for the trainee’s professional growth.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must have an M.D., Ph.D. or equivalent and be working with and mentored by a sponsor to do research related to TSC. PI must have been a member of the sponsor’s lab for at least 1 year.
    Wong Family Foundation Research Award – all epilepsy-focused Postdoctoral Fellowship and Research Grant applicants will automatically be considered for this scholarship.
Chan Zuckerberg InitiativeGlobal Science Scholars
  • Due: May 27, 2025
  • Funding: Varies per mechanism
  • Project Period: Up to 2 years
  • Purpose: A Chan Zuckerberg Biohub network and Stellar Science Foundation partnership to support international postdoctoral fellowship programs between the U.S. and Japan to advance excellence in bioengineering and biomedical research by supporting early-career researchers and help them in conducting groundbreaking science in U.S. and Japanese research labs.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must have recently earned a doctoral degree conferred by July 1, 2025 and not prior to July 1, 2021.
    Global Scholars in residence in the U.S.: Applicant must hold an undergraduate or doctoral degree from a Japanese degree-granting institution and be eligible to receive a U.S. visa. Up $85,000 total per year for two years.
    Global Science Scholars in residence in Japan: Applicant must be eligible to receive a Japanese visa and must have received their undergraduate or doctoral degree from a U.S. degree-granting institution. Up to 1,498,000 JPY per year for 2 years.
Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationInnovations for Exceptionally Low-Cost Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) Manufacturing Phase II
  • Due: May 31, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $750,000
  • Project Period: Up to 18 months
  • Purpose: To support research that will catalyze and accelerate multiple, diverse, innovative bioprocessing approaches that hold the promise of low cost-of-goods mAbs.
    Option A: The development of a conceptual facility design, and (2) generation of bench or lab-scale process data with sufficient analytical data to demonstrate the ability to produce an antibody at a final drug substance cost-of-goods of $10 per gram that could meet requirements for human applications and would support a rigorous cost-of-goods assessment by a third-party organization. Option B: Further development funding for Proof of Concept for low cost-of goods drug substance.
  • Eligibility: Individuals applying through a legally recognized corporate entity may apply. Scientists at all levels who have innovative ideas that support a final drug substance cost-of-goods previously stated may apply. Funding: Option A: Up to $750,000 for up to 18 months; Option B: funding evaluated on a per-project basis. Projects led by women / in collaboration with women-led organizations, and/or applications from / in collaboration with institutions based in low- and middle-income countries are encouraged.
Gladys Brooks FoundationGrants for Hospitals and Clinics
  • Due: May 31, 2025 (Grant Proposal Letter due)
  • Funding: Not specified
  • Project Period: Not specified
  • Purpose: To support innovative projects in the fields of libraries, education, hospitals and clinics.
  • Eligibility: Institutions and organizations which are tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and foundations that are not private are eligible.


American Cancer SocietyACS Grants
  • Due: June 1, 2025
  • Funding: Varies per mechanism
  • Project Period: Varies per mechanism
  • Purpose: To support innovative research, translational research, and development of early career research faculty (including newly independent faculty), postdoctorals and clinician-scientists pursuing a career in cancer research to advance treatment and care and improve outcomes. Awards available for mentored grants and independent grants.
  • Eligibility : See specific award mechanism for details.
    Discovery Boost Grants (DBG) – for independent, appointed faculty at a U.S. academic institution (Up to $297k/2years).
    Mission Boost Grants (MBG) – for independent investigator at any level (with faculty appointment at a U.S. academic institution). Stage 1: Up to $297k/2 years; Stage 2: Up to $545k/18 months.
    Research Scholar Grants (RSG) – for early career scientists within first 10 years of their initial independent research career or full-time faculty appointment. Up to $215k/4 years.
    Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF) – for investigators with a doctoral degree obtained within last 4 years; U.S. citizen or non-citizen holding appropriate visa a time of application submission working at a U.S. academic institution or eligible non-profit. Progressive stipends ($66k $70k/year for up to 3 years).
    Clinician Scientist Development Grant (CSDG) – for early career scientists with doctoral degree and an active clinical license who participates in clinical care and works at a U.S. academic institution. R-level grant recipients not eligible. $135/year for 3 to 5 years.
GileadSPEARHEAD 2.0 2025 RFP: Screening imPlEmentation and linkage to cARe in HEpAtitis Delta
  • Due: June 6, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: Up to $200,000*
  • Project Period: 18 months
  • Purpose: To support studies that seek to understand and address barriers to Chronic hepatitis delta virus (HDV) screening and linkage to care.
    *Any project greater than $200,000 should be discussed with your Gilead Medical Science Liaison.
  • Eligibility: Research must focus on at least one or both or these areas: 1) Generate data to assess current HDV linkage to care practice, identify barriers, develop, and implement novel approaches to improve linkage to care and/or 2) Generate data to determine who should be tested or retested for anti-HDV and/or HDV RNA and the optimal timing for retesting to ensure accurate diagnosis.
William T. Grant FoundationWilliam T. Grant Scholars Program
  • Due : June 11, 2025(Mentor and Reference Letter deadline);July 1, 2025(Application deadline)
  • Funding: Up to $425,000
  • Project Period: Over 5 years
  • Purpose: To provide career development support for early-career researchers who have potential to become influential researchers, who have a track record of conducting high-quality research and show interest in pursuing a significant shift in their trajectories as researchers. Support includes 5-year research and mentoring plans that significantly expand researchers’ expertise in new disciplines, methods, and content areas.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must be employed in tenure-track or career ladder positions, be nominated by their institutions, and have received their terminal degree within 7 years of submitting application. Non-U.S. applicants must conduct research that has compelling policy or practice implications for youth in the U. S.
Merck KGaAGenScript Life Science Research Grant Program (LSRG Program)
  • Due : June 15, 2025
  • Funding: $100,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To help accelerate projects with potential for impact and breakthrough, by leveraging GenScript’s existing resources and capabilities.
  • Eligibility: Projects must demonstrate strategic alignment with GenScript’s primary areas of scientific interest.
PfizerPfizer Fellowship Grant Request for Proposals: Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) Fellowship
  • Due : June 12, 2025
  • Funding: $80,000
  • Project Period: Up to 1 year
  • Purpose: To support institutions with independent research and established and emerging fellowship programs for hematologists specializing in treating adults with SCD with a strong focus on clinical practice, research, and education to increase understanding of SCD.
  • Eligibility: This grant will be awarded to a U.S.-based academic institution with a fellowship program that includes independent research and a strong mentoring program. U.S. citizenship, permanent residency, asylum status, or appropriate non-immigrant visa status with authorization for U.S. employment is required.
Research to Prevent BlindnessGrants
  • Due : June 15, 2025 (Nomination forms due)
  • Funding: Varies per mechanism
  • Project Period: Varies per mechanism
  • Purpose: RPB provides grants to high-performing U.S.-based ophthalmology departments and their faculty and, through some awards, to high-potential vision researchers in any U.S.-based institution of higher education.
  • Eligibility: Varies per mechanism (see requirements)
    RPB International Research Collaborators Award – $75,000 for international research collaborations between researchers in the U.S. and abroad (awarded to U.S. based institutions); for full-time, primary academic position as Asst. Professor up to full Professor (MD, PhD, or MD/PhD) by time of application.
    RPB Career Development Award – Candidates must hold a full-time, primary academic appointment in ophthalmology up to and including Assistant Professor (appointed within the last 3 years); must be either a U.S. citizen or permanent resident by application deadline. MDs and MD/PhDs must devote at least 50% to research (60% protected time desirable).
    The RPB / Tom Wertheimer Career Development Award in Data Science focuses on vision research involving artificial intelligence and/or data science to gain knowledge related to sight-threatening conditions.
    RPB Stein Innovation Award – $300,000 for candidates from any U.S. institution of higher education who hold a full-time, primary academic position as Associate Professor through full Professor (MD, PhD, or MD/PhD) in basic science or other relevant department conducting innovative vision research. Ophthalmology Chairs (including interim and acting) may nominate a candidate.
Gateway for Cancer Research – Pfizer Fellowship Grant Request for Proposals
  • Due : June 20, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: $200,000 to $1.5 M
  • Project Period: 2 to 5 years
  • Purpose: To fund cancer research institutions worldwide, including, patient-centered research, early phase clinical trials, translational research, and integrative oncology research that pairs conventional therapies with evidence-based, complimentary therapies for all types of cancers.
  • Eligibility: Funds awarded to institutions. Applicants must demonstrate their project’s alignment with GFCR’s mission.
    Grant types: Joint NCI/ SPORE/ P20 Program, Integrative Research, Joint Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) Program (FGAs Reviewed Once Annually), Decentralized Clinical Trial Initiative (DCTI) 
PfizerPfizer Fellowship Grant Request for Proposals
  • Due : June 20, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $80,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support institutions with independent research and strong fellowship programs for Cardiologists or Heart Failure Advanced Practice Providers who are focused on clinical practice, research, and education to increase understanding of ATTR cardiac amyloidosis. Award funds one fellow.
  • Eligibility: Emerging and established fellowships at accredited U.S.-based academic institutions will be considered. Clinical training may be included in the program but is not required. Fellow time spent in clinical setting that is supported by grant funds must not be billed as patient care.
Harrington Discovery Institute – Brain Health Medicines
  • Due : June 30, 2025
  • Funding: $100,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To provide support for researchers conducting innovative research aimed at treating, preventing, or curing Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Discoveries sought: any therapeutic modality, novel validated targets, and discoveries demonstrating rigorous science, creativity, innovation with potential for clinical impact. Second year renewal based on progress. Up to $400,000 available with appropriate justification.
  • Eligibility: Applicants with an MD, PhD or equivalent degree who are faculty at an accredited academic medical center, university, or research institution in the U.S. Canada, or UK are eligible. The majority of the research must be conducted at the PI’s institution if the project involves collaboration.


American Thoracic SocietyPartner Grants
  • Due : July 1, 2025
  • Funding: $50,000 to$100,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support early career investigators.
  • Eligibility: Varies per mechanism
    ATS/Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia (ACDMPV) Research Grant – Investigators at any stage of their academic career interested in ACDMPV research. Priority: projects focused on the potential treatment of ACDMPV, early detection, or diagnosis. Procedures or proposed therapeutic trials may be new, based on recent biochemical or pharmacological evidence, or in preliminary stages of clinical investigation. Grant partner: Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia Association. $100,000 for 1 year.
    ATS/Alpha-1 Foundation Young Investigator Grant in Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency – Early career investigators new to research and interested in pursuing Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency research, and investigators holding an MD, PhD, or equivalent degree conducting basic science, clinical research, or ethic, legal, or social issues studies related to AAT deficiency are eligible. Grant partner: ALPHA-1 Foundation. $50,000 for 1 year.
    ATS/Chiesi USA, Inc. Research Grant in Obstructive Lung Disease – Early career investigators interested in research that has a high potential to advance the understanding of obstructive lung disease through basic, translational, or clinical research. $50,000 for 1 year.
    Johnson & Johnson ATS Early Career Investigator Award in Pulmonary Vascular Disease – Early career investigators (junior faculty member up to and including the rank of assistant professor, a postdoctoral scholar, a doctoral candidate, or a fellow) conducting research aimed at understanding the pathways and pathophysiology of pulmonary vascular disease to improve treatment for patients with pulmonary hypertension are eligible. U.S. or Canadian citizenship, permanent residence and a firm commitment from an applicant’s U.S.- or Canadian-based home institution is required. $100,000 for 1 year.
Damon Runyon Cancer Research FoundationDamon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award Stage 1
  • Due: July 1, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $400,000
  • Project Period: Up to 2 years
  • Purpose: To support the next generation of exceptional scientists with high-risk/high-reward ideas that have the potential to significantly impact understanding of and/or approaches to the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of cancer. Up to 4 years of funding ($800,000 total) based on demonstrated progress in years 1 and 2.
  • Eligibility: Applicant must be conducting independent research at an institution in the US, hold an MD, DO, PhD, or MD/PhD degree or equivalent and belong to one of the following categories: Tenure-track Assistant Professors, Clinical Instructors and Senior Clinical Fellows, of Distinguished Fellows. 80% protected time required.

North American Society For Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (NASPGHAN) – Clinical Research/Innovation Awards/ Pilot Grants

  • Due: July 1, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $25,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support innovative, pilot, and/or clinical projects in North America that address critical issues related to Celiac Disease and gluten-free diet management to improve diagnosis and treatment of Celiac Disease, facilitate development of innovative tools or technologies to improve disease management and advance nutrition care of patients and families of children with Celiac Disease.
  • Eligibility: Applicants at any career level who hold an MD, PhD, or equivalent, an advance nursing degree (BSN with an MS/PhD), or a degree in Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Dietetics/Nutrition, or Social Work and work full-time in a clinical or academic setting may apply. Postdoctoral fellows being mentored by an NASPGHAN member may also apply. Full membership in NASPGHAN, APGNN or CPNP for at least one year required.
North American Society For Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (NASPGHAN)NASPGHAN Foundation/QOL Medical, LLC Research Award for the Study of Disorders Associated with Carbohydrate Maldigestion/Malabsorption in Children
  • Due: July 1, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $150,000
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: To support clinical, translational, laboratory, or quality improvement sciences studies focused on disorders of carbohydrate (CHO) maldigestion/malabsorption (primary or secondary) in children, and other conditions that may include lactose intolerance, congenital sucrose-isomaltase deficiency, congenital enteropathies that impact intestinal epithelial cell function, or inflammatory conditions affecting CHO absorption.
  • Eligibility: NASPGHAN membership for at least 2 years required. Applicants must hold an MD, DO, PhD, MD/PhD or equivalent and be a faculty member at a North American University or research institute at time of application. Current awardees of other grants with overlapping focus are not eligible.
North American Society For Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (NASPGHAN)NASPGHAN Foundation Young Investigator Development Awards
  • Due: July 1, 2025
  • Funding: $150,000
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: To support junior faculty research that has the potential to lead to an independent research career in pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, or nutrition.
  • Eligibility: NASPGHAN membership for at least 2 years required. Applicants must be an MD, DO, PhD, MD/PhD or equivalent full-time faculty at the Assistant Professor level or below at an academic institution. Applicants may not currently be more than 5 years from fellowship completion (7/1202 – 9/1/2025) or be an awardee of an NIH mentored grant or equivalent, NIH R01, or any equivalent Canadian or Mexican grant mechanism.
    NASPGHAN Foundation/NASPGHAN George Ferry Young Investigator Development Award
    Awarded to support a meritorious clinical, quality improvement, translational or basic science research related to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, or nutritional disorders of
    NASPGHAN Foundation/Sanofi Young Investigator Development Award for the Study of Pediatric Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders
    Awarded to support a meritorious clinical, quality improvement, translational or basic science research project related to pediatric Eosinophilic Esophagitis or other Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders.
North American Society For Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (NASPGHAN)Mid-Career Award
  • Due: July 1, 2025
  • Funding: $100,000
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: To support mid-career level faculty (holding a faculty appointment for at least 5 years at time of application) pursuing research in pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition. Applicants may submit proposals for a new project within an established area of research or a new or innovative research area that represents a departure from previously funded research.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must hold an MD, PhD, or equivalent and be a full-time faculty member at an institution in North America. NASPGHAN membership for at least 2 years required. K grant awardees may apply during the last two years of their award. Recipients of an active R01 at time of application are not eligible.
U.S. Association for the Study of Pain (USASP)2025 USASP-MAYDAY Clinical/Translational Research Award
  • Due: July 1, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $50,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support innovative projects designed to close the gap between knowledge and practice in pain treatment, and projects that build on the current knowledge base, that have potential to be developed into a larger application for extramural support from institutions such as NIH, DoD, CHS and others).
  • Eligibility: For early career researchers (in the U.S. or Canada) within four years of their faculty appointment , except those who have received tenure at the time of submission. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to the field of pain research. USASP membership required.
GileadResearch Scholars
  • Due: July 7, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $180,000
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: To support early career faculty conducting innovative research to incorporate new perspectives to advance scientific knowledge and promote progress in areas of unmet medical need.
  • Eligibility: Intended for early career and junior faculty in the U.S. (who hold an MD, PhD or equivalent and received their initial faculty appointment within the last 5 years at a U.S.-based institution). A research mentor and 50% protected time required.
EMBOPostdoctoral Fellowships
  • Due: July 11, 2025
  • Funding: Varies
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: To support for excellent postdoctoral researchers throughout Europe and the world. EMBO provides grants for host institutions in EMBC Member States to issue employment contracts to EMBO Fellows. Fellows working in other countries than EMBC Member States will receive a stipend. Fellowship includes support for fellows with children.
  • Eligibility: Applicants who are internationally mobile with PhDs conferred within the past two years and MDs with the appropriate research experience may apply. Late stage pre-doctoral candidates nearing completion of PhD may also apply but must provide their PhD degree before the fellowship start date and must start their fellowship within 9 months of the offer. First author publications (and first author referred pre-prints) will be reviewed as part of the assessment criteria.
The Leakey FoundationResearch Grants
  • Due: July 15, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $30,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support studies by advanced doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers affiliated with a university or museum. Current funding focus areas include: Paleoanthropology of the Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene, Primates, and modern hunter-gatherer groups. Up to $20,000 for predoctoral students.
  • Eligibility: Advanced predoctoral degree students and postdoctoral researchers affiliated with a university are eligible.
Damon Runyon Cancer Research FoundationDamon Runyon-Dale F. Frey Award for Breakthrough Scientists
  • Due: July 15, 2025
  • Funding: $100,000 (paid over 1 year)
  • Project Period: Up to 2 years
  • Purpose: To support the nation’s top postdoctoral fellow by enabling them to complete mentored training under a leading senior scientist and to encourage the pursuit of bold ideas.
  • Eligibility: Damon Runyon Fellows in the last year of their fellowship, current fellows selected in November 2021, May 2022, and February 2023. Fellows who have terminated their awards early to accept an independent academic faculty position or other funding are eligible to apply.
Thrasher FoundationE.W. “AI” Thrasher Awards
  • Due: July 15, 2025 (concept submission)
  • Funding: Up to $550,000
  • Project Period: Up to 3 years
  • Purpose: To provide opportunities for new scientists to gain the research experience in child health necessary to establish themselves as independent research scientists.
  • Eligibility: Physicians in a residency/fellowship training program, or who completed that program no more than one year before the Concept Paper deadline and postdoctoral researchers who received their terminal doctoral degree no more than three years prior to Concept Paper deadline.
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Inc. – ABPN Dorthea Juul, PhD, Education Research Award
  • Due: July 28, 2025
  • Funding: Up to$100,000
  • Project Period: Up to 2 years
  • Purpose: To support projects related to promoting lifelong learning and certifying psychiatrists and neurologists to high standards of expertise.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must hold a faculty appointment in a Psychiatry or Neurology department at an LCME-accredited medical school. Non-faculty applicants must submit a chair-approved offer letter confirming a start date before January 1, 2026. MD and DO applicants must be certified by ABPN, participate in ABPN’s continuing certification program and hold an unrestricted license to practice medicine in a state, commonwealth, territory, or possession of the U.S.


American Academy of OsteopathyOsteopathic Research Funding
  • Due :August 1, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: $10,000 per year
  • Project Period: 1 year (up to 2 years with justification)
  • Purpose: To support clinical and basic science research involving health care outcomes in the practice of osteopathic medicine, with an emphasis on the use of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) in patient care. Research topics may include but are not limited to benchtop physiological models research, educational standards development, practice guidelines research, normative data collection and clinical research.
  • Eligibility: No research level specified. Submission of full application is by invitation only after LOIs are reviewed.
American Hearing Research FoundationAHRF Discovery Grants
  • Due :August 15, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $50,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support studies that investigate various aspects of hearing and balance disorders associated with the inner ear. Special Interests: Causes of Sudden Hearing Loss and Menier’s Disease.
  • Eligibility: Priority is given to early career investigators who need seed funding to generate preliminary data that can be used to apply for larger grants administered by the NIH or other entities.
Damon Runyon Cancer Research FoundationDamon Runyon-St. Jude Pediatric Cancer Research Fellowship Award
  • Due : August 15, 2025
  • Funding: Stipend of $70,000 (slight increase each year)
  • Project Period: Up to 4 years
  • Purpose: To support individuals with innovative project ideas in basic or clinical research that have the potential to significantly impact the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of one or more pediatric cancers.
  • Eligibility: Candidates must hold an MD, PhD, MD/PhD, DDS, DVM, DO. Level 1 applicants: Basic and physician-scientist must have received their degrees no more than 18 months prior to the application deadline and have no more than 1 year working in their sponsor’s lab by application deadline. 100% protected time required. Level 2: physician-scientists with MD, MD/PhD, DDS, DVM, DO or equivalent must have completed residency and clinical training and be board eligible in the U.S. by award start date. 80% protected time required.
John Templeton FoundationLife Sciences Research RFPs
  • Due : August 15, 2025 (Online Funding Inquiry (OFI))
  • Funding: Not specified
  • Project Period: Not specified
  • Purpose: To support novel and fundamental on a broad range of areas and topics, including origins of life, complexity, emergence, evolution, human development, and ecological health and interventions. Areas of interest: Science of Purpose; Epigenetic inheritance; other innovative ideas in basic research in the biological sciences, including evolution, human development, plant resilience, and ecological health and interventions.
  • Eligibility: None specified. By invitation only after review of a submitted OFI.
Merck KGaA  Research Grants
  • Due : August 31, 2025
  • Funding: Varies
  • Project Period: Varies
  • Purpose: To support innovative research in challenging areas of future importance.
  • Eligibility: Scientists at any level affiliated with any research-based institution, university or company are eligible.
    Smart Consumables for Digital Integration in Biomanufacturing Processes
    – Up to 120,000 EUR per year for up to three years with potential further collaboration.
    Multi-purpose Micro-Physiological Systems – to improve translatability and reduce the use of animals in the testing of drug and chemical compounds. Grant will be negotiated on a case by case basis.


Cancer Research InstituteCRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowships
  • Due: September 1, 2025
  • Funding:stipend $74,000 year 1; $76k year 2; $78k year 3
  • Project Period: Up to 3 years
  • Purpose: To support hypothesis-driven, mechanistic studies by qualified early career scientists at leading universities and research centers worldwide, who seek training in fundamental immunology or cancer immunology.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must have a doctorate degree with 5 or more years of relevant postdoctoral experience (M.D. applicants should not include years of residency in this calculation) and be working in areas directly related to immunology or cancer immunology at a non-profit institution. Completion of eligibility questionnaire required.
    Note: CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship to Promote Racial Diversity
    CRI Immuno-Informatics Postdoctoral Fellowship
Benign Essential Blepharospasm FoundationResearch Grant
  • Due: September 30, 2025
  • Funding:stipend Up to $50,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support research directly related to the cause of, treatments for, and complications resulting from treatments for benign essential blepharospasm or Meige Syndrome, both forms of cranial dystonia.
  • Eligibility: Only applicants employed by an organization or institution within the U.S., Canada, or foreign countries where supervision of grant administration is possible are eligible.
North American Society For Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (NASPGHAN)Advanced Fellowships
  • Due: September 30, 2025
  • Funding: $75,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support advanced training for one year in pediatric nutrition for a NASPGHAN member to gain focused clinical research experience.
  • Eligibility: NASPGHAN membership for at least 2 years and a mentor is required.
    – NASPGHAN Foundation/Abbott Advanced Fellowship Training In Pediatric Nutrition – researchareas to include but are not limited to fetal growth and neonatal nutrition, typical development of feeding skills/behaviors and feeding disorders; nutritional aspects of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia; malnutrition and failure to thrive; nutrition education; nutrition in specific systemic diseases or clinical states such as cystic fibrosis, liver disease, intestinal failure, and organ transplantation; nutrition support; community nutrition; nutrition epidemiology; energy homeostasis; nutrition and the microbiome; micronutrient homeostasis; nutrigenomics; obesity; breast milk and breast feeding; and basic laboratory nutritional science.
    – NASPGHAN Foundation Advance Fellowship Training in Pediatric Endoscopy – for focused a research/and or quality improvement project in areas including but not limited to Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with stenting and/or sphincterotomy, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), advanced approaches to control GI bleeding (sclerotherapy, argon laser, clips, etc), transnasal endoscopy, peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM), esophageal or intestinal stricture dilatation, pancreatic pseudocyst drainage, etc.


Aniara Diagnostica Coagulation Research Grant
  • Due: November 1, 2025
  • Funding: $20,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support innovative research on coagulation/hematology. This year, Aniara is requesting proposals for projects that deal specifically with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) and its effects on hemostasis and thrombosis.
  • Eligibility: Established researchers (PhD faculty or equivalent), student or trainee at an academic organization or institution in North America or Scandinavia. Applicants with a minimum of three peer-reviewed publications preferred.
Cystic Fibrosis FoundationMedical Resident Research Award
  • Due: November 14, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $10,000
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To introduce residents to research through participation in a CF-relevant research project and to spark interest in a career in CF research or as a CF care provider. Priority will be given to projects that will lead to increased understanding of disease mechanisms, pathophysiology, and prevention, and the development of treatment strategies.
  • Eligibility: U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or non-U.S. citizens working in a U.S.-based, non-profit or academic institution. Applicants must have completed medical training, hold an MD, DO, or equivalent, and be enrolled in an ACGME accredited residency program in the U.S. for the duration of the award. International applicants must be able to obtain the appropriate visas for application and be certified by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG).
Cancer Research InstituteCRI Technology Impact Award
  • Due: November 15, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: $300,000
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: To support collaborations between technology, developers and clinical cancer immunologists to generate proof-of-principle of a novel platform technology in bioinformatics that can accelerate the field’s efforts in developing immunotherapies that are effective for all cancer patients.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must hold a faculty appointment as a tenure-track assistant professor (or higher rank) at the time of award activation or provide documentation from their institution along with the Letter of Intent confirming they will hold the position of assistant professor or higher by the time of award start date.


American Cancer SocietyResearch Scholar Grants
  • Due : December 1, 2025
  • Funding: Up to$215,000 per year
  • Project Period: Up to 4 years
  • Purpose: To support independent, self-directed researchers working at an U.S. academic institution or eligible non-profit organizations.
  • Eligibility: Awards available to support investigators at all levels who have been appointed as independent, full-time faculty less than 10 years ago. Applicant’s institution must provide space and other resources needed by independent investigators.
American Cancer SocietyRFA: Leukemia Exploration and Prevention Grant Program (LEAP)
  • Due : December 1, 2025
  • Funding: Up to $430,000 per year
  • Project Period: Up to 4 years
  • Purpose: RUNX1 Research Program and the American Cancer Society (ACS) have partnered to support projects that deepen our understanding of the mechanisms that cause each leukemogenic step (projects should consider experimental designs that address both cell-autonomous and cell-nonautonomous factors), and projects that are high-risk with strong scientific rationale to pursue a cancer interception treatment.
  • Eligibility: PIs/teams must work at a U.S. academic institution or eligible non-profit organization and can be full-time independent investigators at any career stage.
    LEAP-Research Scholar Grant – supports an independent research project (up to $215,000 per year for independent, self-directed researchers).
  • LEAP Team Award – supports an interdisciplinary, synergistic team research project that will accelerate scientific advancement and clinical benefit (up to $430,000 per year).
Cancer Research InstituteClinic & Laboratory Integration Program (CLIP)
  • Due : December 1, 2025 (LOI)
  • Funding: $300,000
  • Project Period: 2 years
  • Purpose: To support pre-clinical and translational research that can be directly applied to optimizing cancer immunotherapy in the clinic. In partnership with the Chordoma Foundation (CF), CRI also invites LOIs focused on topics related to accelerating the development of effective treatments and ultimately a cure for chordoma, a rare type of cancer that occurs in the bones of the skull base and spine.
  • Eligibility: : Applicants must hold a faculty appointment as a tenure-track assistant professor (or higher) at the time of award start date and be qualified scientists exploring clinically relevant questions aimed at improving the effectiveness of cancer immunotherapies.
Jay L. Smith FoundationGrants
  • Due : December 31, 2025 (pre-proposal)
  • Funding: Not specified
  • Project Period: 1 year
  • Purpose: To support research, programs, education and outreach in various areas to include dementia & Alzheimer’s disease, health care access and delivery, elderly care, suicide prevention, and cancer research.
  • Eligibility: U.S.-based nonprofit organizations may apply.


NOMIS & ScienceYoung Explorer Award
  • Due : May 15, 2025
  • Prize: Grand prize: $15,000; Runner(s) Up: $5,000 (plus 5-year digital subscription to Science and publication of essay).
  • Purpose: Granted annually to recognize 1 bold young researcher who has performed interdisciplinary work involving cross-field collaboration; for high-risk research. The Grand Prize Award winner is automatically eligible to submit a funding proposal to the NOMIS board.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must be thirty-five (35) years of age or younger and hold an MD, PhD or MD/PhD received within the last 10 years, at the time of entry. For early career scientists based on work done in the past 3 years.
Eppendorf & ScienceEppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology
  • Due : June 15, 2025
  • Prize: $25,000
  • Purpose: To encourage and support research by promising early career scientists in neurobiology.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must be early career scientists, no older than thirty-five (35) years of age and hold an MD, PhD or MD/PhD received within the last 10 years, at the time of entry. For early career scientists who have conducted outstanding research on methods of molecular, cellular, systems, or organic biology within the past 3 years.

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