Are you a trainee looking for a mentor? Are you a scientist looking to foster careers in research? A new tool supported by NIH can help you build mentoring relationships and further the scientific enterprise through these connections.

The National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) is an NIH program developed in response to advisory committee recommendations for developing and supporting a robust and diverse research workforce. To help biomedical researchers and students across the United States connect professionally, the program launched a free, web-based social networking platform called MyNRMN. MyNRMN is designed for scientists at every career level across all of the biomedical, behavioral and social sciences. The NRMN program is managed by NIH’s National institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) and supported by the NIH Common Fund; however, you do not need to be an NIH-supported scientist to use this resource.

Read more about this tool on the NIGMS Feedback Loop blog.

Build Mentor/Mentee Connections with MyNRMN

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I’m guessing (aka have insider information) that some of our favorite bloggers are mentors in the network. Check it out. And mentors – time to step up to bat!

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