Awesome Things About Life in Research

Building a list of awesome things that come with life in research, one quirky, funny, inspiring piece at a time. Missing your favorite awesomeness? Or have The perfect image? Add in comments or tweet @edgeforscholars to share your personal twist on why science rocks. #JoyOfScience 142. Having your NIH Program Officer say, “I am cautiously … Continue reading “Awesome Things About Life in Research”

Why and How to Plan a Creativity Escape

A guide to clearing the decks and escaping your work routines to feed your brain new thoughts, reflect, connect ideas, and have time to delve into new projects (or gather inspiration to complete old ones).

Even More Cranky

Bilateral justification is from the devil. It’s a cognitive drain and subtle form of punishment for your reader.

Have Pump, Will Travel

What every breastfeeding and pumping mom needs to know BEFORE attending a conference.

Publishing Null Results

Nearly every scientist has felt the frustration of pouring effort, money and (sometimes) tears into a project only to get null results. The elusive p<0.05 decides whether results get published or not—the oft-mentioned file drawer problem. Others have explained better than I can why this is a problem. Rather, I’d like to contribute some tips … Continue reading “Publishing Null Results”