Preparing for a K While on a T32

Panelists Rachel Bonami, PhD, Natalie Chichetto, PhD, and Cecilia Chung, MD, discuss moving from T32 postdoctoral training grants to their own mentored career development awards and beyond.

OLAW: COVID-19 Pandemic Response Resources and FAQs for Animal Care and Use Programs – April 8, 2020

Description from OLAW website: In this webinar, OLAW and USDA discuss important agency updates since our last webinar (March 19, 2020), including: NIH Guidance on allowable costs for moving animals to holding protocols NIH Guidance on donating personal protective equipment to support COVID-19 relief efforts USDA facility status and inspections USDA contact information USDA statement […]

NIH: Responding to FAQ on Flexibilities during COVID-19 – March 26, 2020

Dr. Mike Lauer, Deputy Director for Extramural Research, answers questions NIH has received regarding financial flexibility during the COVID-19 crisis. Notable topics: 0:56 – donating purchased equipment 1:40 & 4:26 – clinical responsibilities 2:10 – peer review 2:45 – emergency supplements 3:19 – no-cost extensions 3:34 – salaries 4:49 – shifting dollars to COVID research […]

Engage Readers Quickly with the Skim Test

Help harried reviewers by making sure your grant passes the skim test. From a weekly live Q&A as part of the Edge for Scholars Online Grant Writing Course. More Resources A Lesson Learned the Hard Way  Friendly Advice from Your NIH Grant Reviewer   Responding to Manuscript Reviews While Avoiding Cerebral Aneurysms  

How Study Section Works (and Why You Need to Know)

Every writing guide will tell you to write for your specific audience.  Grant writing is no different, and for your grant, the members of your study section are your audience.  Sarah Dobson explains how study sections work so you can better understand how to write for them.

Top 10 NIH Peer Review Q&As

Scientific Review Officers and other NIH officials answer the questions they get most often, including: What do you mean by “scientific premise or rigor”? (1:07) What is the difference between “significance” and “overall impact”? (2:18) When will I receive word on my application? (5:20) How does NIH guard against a single reviewer having undue influence? […]

Indirect Costs 101

Ever wonder what those indirect costs attached to your grant are, and how they get calculated?  Dr. Sally Rockey, former NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research, explains.