Mapping the Path for a K or R Submission

If you’ll be submitting a grant in June, now is the time to start preparations.  Pacing yourself is key to a successful grant submission that doesn’t leave you wrung out.

Even More Cranky

Bilateral justification is from the devil. It’s a cognitive drain and subtle form of punishment for your reader.

Profs on Drugs: JAMA Highlights Use of Cognitive Enhancers

Talk to most people about ‘performance enhancing drugs’ and they conjure up images of elite athletes using drugs to increase muscle mass and oxygen delivery. In academia, performance is measured as creative thinking and working smart under crushing deadlines. Last week, JAMA drew attention to a series of studies in which higher cognitive function was … Continue reading “Profs on Drugs: JAMA Highlights Use of Cognitive Enhancers”

More Bad News on the Greying of NIH PI’s

Last week, PNAS published work by Michael and Jonathan Levitt outlining in vivid detail the continued pattern towards a greying NIH portfolio. Surveying publicly available data as well as data obtained through Freedom of Information Act, the authors reported the average age of investigators getting their first Ro1 is at an all time high of … Continue reading “More Bad News on the Greying of NIH PI’s”