Not that Kind of Page: Tales of Building a Better Lab Website
Spoiler: Your lab website is the face of your research program
Spoiler: Your lab website is the face of your research program
Can we change the instinct to reject help even when confronted with crises that could disrupt or redefine our career paths?
Spoiler: It is never too early to start cultivating your professional reputation.
Spoiler: Be the mentor you needed.
You have a whiteboard, a marker, and an hour to convince a department to hire you. How will you handle it? Senior faculty give their advice.
It’s student interview season, which likely means your Fridays will be filled with 30-minute sessions with bright eyed young scholars hoping to secure a slot in your program and maybe with your research team. What can you do to help your lab and your institution stand out to prospective candidates in just 30 minutes? Having served … Continue reading “How to Make Your Team Stand Out When Interviewing Prospective Students”
Beauty is in the eye of the reviewer and we like simple elegance.
Survival of the fittest has new meaning when it comes to holiday parties. Here are key tips for evolutionary advantage.
It’s that magical time of the year where your labbies are looking at you with their cute puppy eyes wondering if the boss is going to get them a present, and spouses of STEM folks are wondering what the heck to get them. Fear not! I have your definitive list of SUPER cool swag you … Continue reading “Gifts Your STEM Buddies + Lab Friends Really Want This Holiday Season”
We surveyed grad students, post docs, and faculty to bring you the best and most thoughtful gifts for academics.