Who Are You Really Talking To?

According to Morgan Giddings, creator of popular grant-writing resources and courses, you misunderstand the level at which you need to appeal to reviewers at study section.  While you may think you’re speaking from the cerebral/rational (primate) part of your brain to the equivalent area of theirs, that’s not actually the level they’re paying attention on.  […]

Healthcare Communication Fellowship Applications Now Open

The American Academy on Communication in Healthcare wants YOU, for values of you who include those with an interest in developing a career in health communication research or education. Current AACH members who are early career faculty, trainees, or advanced postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to apply for the new Putnam Scholars Program (PSP). The two-year […]

Do Life

I despise the term “work-life balance.” The semantics evoke work and life as opposing forces locked in conflict – the bobbing bar of a doomed tightrope walker, a teeter-totter whose fulcrum defies equilibrium. Because we rarely talk of achieving balance, it is also code for inevitable failure or guilt. I propose an alternative. Life encompasses work. […]

Captain Your Own Ship

Mentors don’t choose for you. Mentors are not your personal decider-on-call. Mentors are not the captain of you ship. You are.

Peer Behind the Study Section Curtain

Register for the Mock Study Section at Translational Science 2017. All pre- and postdoctoral trainees as well as early career faculty can participate in the Mock Study Section at Translational Science 2017.  This session replicates an NIH Study Section down to the last molecule and walks through the review process using real R, K, or […]

Book Review

Get Writing and Recapture Your Free Time with How to Write a Lot

Do you find your grant-writing intruding on time you’d rather spend with your family?  Did revisions to that last journal article ruin your vacation?  Then this book might be just the thing you need. Author Paul Silvia wanted to call How to Write a Lot  “How to Write More Productively During the Normal Work Week With […]

Spending time with smart people …

I was recently asked by a colleague to name a favorite ‘life hack’ for research or academic life.   My first thoughts centered around productivity tips and tricks.  However, the more I reflected, the more I came back to the concept that success isn’t really measured in getting more things done faster.  Rather, success is getting the right things […]

Three (Grant) Peeves in a Pod: Check Yourself

Reviewers review. We will notice. These fresh mistakes straight from study section: 1.) Please agree with yourself. If the abstract says n = 110, the aims say 100, the statistical section says 110, and the budget justification says 100, it makes me cranky. 2.) Please explain yourself. When presenting power/sample size calculations let me know […]

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