How to Write a Literature Review

You might be doing a systematic literature review or meta-analysis – you’ll need to do a PubMed search. Search literature and identify relevant papers for review with PubMed search using Boolean operators and MeSH terms.

Conducting a Systematic Literature Review

The distinction between a systematic literature review and a literature review can be confusing. This video distinguishes between the two and the process involved in conducting a systematic literature review in the context of a major research paper.

Making a Better Research Poster

8 tips for creating a great research poster for a conference, from the Poster Illustration team at AJE. Visit their Author Resource Center for more publishing tips:

Submitting Your Manuscript

A newbies guide for submitting manuscripts to journals, including communicating with the editor, writing cover letters, and responding to manuscript reviews.

Who Are You Really Talking to When You Write a Grant?

In a competition for scarce resources, make sure you involve your reviewers’ reptilian brain.  The review may come from the rational, cerebral layer of the brain, but the decision comes from the earliest, most instinctual layer. More Resources A Lesson Learned the Hard Way Avoiding Barriers Between Your Work and Your Reviewer Friendly Advice from […]