Should Tenure Still Depend on an R01?

With several years of flat federal support for science, is it still reasonable to require one or two independent research grants (R01s) before going up for tenure?  For some institutions, the answer is slowly changing from “yes” to “not quite.”  At certain universities, scientists with many papers under their belts whose work is very interdisciplinary […]

Getting Evaluated – Time to Bite the Bullet and Ask If You’re a Jerk

Fighty Squirrel recently ran into one of her forest friends from another realm of the academic woodlands who has been serving on a fancy schmancy hiring committee. Asked how things were going, Squirrel’s normally chipper buddy’s face formed a scowl, and a groan escaped. “Ugh!” the critter sighed, “it’s a disaster. All the candidates all […]

Why Am I Talking?

Flashbacks to faculty gaffs from unfiltered comments. Use the “Why Am I Talking” (WAIT) Plan to be heard in the right ways at the right times.