Finally! Data on What Study Section Really Cares About

In 2009, NIH revamped their scoring system asking reviewers to provide numbers ranging from 1 (best) to 9 (worst) assessing applications Environment, Investigator, Innovation, Approach, and Significance. NIH has emphasized Innovation (insert jazz hands), leaving many a weary grant writer to feel a need to invent fabulous new techniques to take DNA out of things, … Continue reading “Finally! Data on What Study Section Really Cares About”

The Key to Getting Motivated: Give Up

“Trying to ‘get motivated’ can often make matters worse. The real problem isn’t that you don’t feel like taking action. Rather, it’s the underlying assumption that you need to feel like taking action before you can act. Which explains the hidden pitfall of most ‘motivational’ advice: it’s not about how to get things done, but … Continue reading “The Key to Getting Motivated: Give Up”