Productivity Tip

Productivity Tip #7: Reclaim Your Meeting

How often do you hear a colleague say, “I’m so excited to attend today’s group meeting,” or a student remark, “How is it possible that my group meetings are so stimulating and engaging?” What’s that? You’ve never heard anyone say those things? Me neither. I dread meetings for the same reason that everyone does: They’re […]

Captain Your Own Ship

Mentors don’t choose for you. Mentors are not your personal decider-on-call. Mentors are not the captain of you ship. You are.

Book Review

Get Writing and Recapture Your Free Time with How to Write a Lot

Do you find your grant-writing intruding on time you’d rather spend with your family?  Did revisions to that last journal article ruin your vacation?  Then this book might be just the thing you need. Author Paul Silvia wanted to call How to Write a Lot  “How to Write More Productively During the Normal Work Week With […]

Spending time with smart people …

I was recently asked by a colleague to name a favorite ‘life hack’ for research or academic life.   My first thoughts centered around productivity tips and tricks.  However, the more I reflected, the more I came back to the concept that success isn’t really measured in getting more things done faster.  Rather, success is getting the right things […]