Live Beneath Your Means

“I don’t want to miss the details of the resurrection. You always said becoming a division head would happen over your dead body, what gives?” After some warm-up, the facts spilled out: My friend wasn’t looking forward to being director of a large division. Her husband’s cancer, children approaching college, diminishing retirement contributions in a … Continue reading “Live Beneath Your Means”

Write Every Day

Walk the Dog: How Writing Every Day Can Make a Project Seem Less Daunting

In her Chronicle Vitae article, Joli Jensen equates her daily writing time with walking the dog. That is, many people view their writing obligations as “wild beasts, lurking in the jungle, ready to pounce.” Jensen insists instead that you view your writing projects as pets, waiting to be walked every day. Sure, many days you … Continue reading “Walk the Dog: How Writing Every Day Can Make a Project Seem Less Daunting”

Hate Small Talk? These 5 Questions Will Help You Work Any Room

Do you love going to events, but find yourself stranded during happy hour, tongue-tied and tucked in a corner? Initiating and maintaining conversations while networking is a necessary skill, and one you can easily improve with these simple tips. Mastering small talk will help you find common ground to create a mini-bond with new contacts. … Continue reading “Hate Small Talk? These 5 Questions Will Help You Work Any Room”