Productivity Tip

Productivity Tip #7: Reclaim Your Meeting

How often do you hear a colleague say, “I’m so excited to attend today’s group meeting,” or a student remark, “How is it possible that my group meetings are so stimulating and engaging?” What’s that? You’ve never heard anyone say those things? Me neither. I dread meetings for the same reason that everyone does: They’re […]

Captain Your Own Ship

Mentors don’t choose for you. Mentors are not your personal decider-on-call. Mentors are not the captain of you ship. You are.

Peer Behind the Study Section Curtain

Register for the Mock Study Section at Translational Science 2017. All pre- and postdoctoral trainees as well as early career faculty can participate in the Mock Study Section at Translational Science 2017.  This session replicates an NIH Study Section down to the last molecule and walks through the review process using real R, K, or […]

Book Review

Get Writing and Recapture Your Free Time with How to Write a Lot

Do you find your grant-writing intruding on time you’d rather spend with your family?  Did revisions to that last journal article ruin your vacation?  Then this book might be just the thing you need. Author Paul Silvia wanted to call How to Write a Lot  “How to Write More Productively During the Normal Work Week With […]

Build Mentor/Mentee Connections with MyNRMN

Are you a trainee looking for a mentor? Are you a scientist looking to foster careers in research? A new tool supported by NIH can help you build mentoring relationships and further the scientific enterprise through these connections. The National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) is an NIH program developed in response to advisory committee recommendations for developing and supporting a […]

Productivity Tip

Productivity Tip #6: I’m Not Telling You to Lie

You don’t have to say you are away to use your “out of office” feature. You just have to be bold. My favorite flavor of bold is the Texan Dean who declares in an email bouceback that the eight people and email addresses listed serve as portals for specific types of emails, including the category […]

Three (Grant) Peeves in a Pod: Check Yourself

Reviewers review. We will notice. These fresh mistakes straight from study section: 1.) Please agree with yourself. If the abstract says n = 110, the aims say 100, the statistical section says 110, and the budget justification says 100, it makes me cranky. 2.) Please explain yourself. When presenting power/sample size calculations let me know […]

5 minutes to better science writing

Write Like a Boss: Five Minutes to Better Science Writing

If your writing is starting to look a little frayed around the edges and lacking that enthusiastic zing you had when you first got to the keyboard, its time for you to up your stylistic game. Three great resources are available to help you improve your writing in five minutes or less. First, think about your […]

So You Want to Be On An Editorial Board? Some Protips for That.

A mere month ago, I was a humble researcher with an amazingly cool lab. But this month, things are different. I’ve been named a Reviewing Editor at a society journal. And that’s sort of a big deal for academic folks. So let me dust off a bit of confetti from the ticker tape parade I forced the […]

Welcome Career Development Awardees!

Our 75% Protected Time edition is a place for you to hang out and post questions, links, or blogs about life on a career development award and progression to independence. Wondering how to go from here to your first R01/equivalent?  Just starting to write your K and have a question for those who’ve done it? […]