Three Irish Scientists You Should Know
In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, here are three Irish scientists who’ve made contributions to medical history.
In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, here are three Irish scientists who’ve made contributions to medical history.
Matching to residency is an exciting moment, and today it happens for med students across the US. MDs, tell us your Match Day stories.
You may be scoffing at finding time to read, but let’s face it, if you want to reach the next level you have to reach for it purposefully.
Your skills, accomplishments, and professional style—how you go about getting results—are hard to discern when reduced to a list of degrees, honors, and publications. If you did the heavy lifting be sure to get the credit. Contributions that aren’t typically captured in your CV need to stay in active memory and be available to share […]
This is an amazing way to flip the script from making a mistake to creating a positive connection with another person.
Don’t let your lab’s fortunes sink like the Titanic, to borrow the opening simile from The Progress Principle. Read this book instead and find out how to facilitate daily progress among yourself, your coworkers, and your subordinates, leading to “virtuous loops” of small successes (that add up to big victories) and happier, more creative and […]
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Is there an aspirational hierarchy of learning, one that might lead to a 10-fold gain in learning over traditional efforts?