The Best of You

The other day, during a conversation, I was told that I was too cheerful to be a postdoc, and we all laughed about it. They said it was almost contradictory. I have a confession to make: It is true that I am a cheerful person. I am usually making fun of myself and lightening up […]

Angry Academics

Are you feeling surrounded by buzzkills and unhappy academics? You aren’t alone. Here’s some protips for not becoming the angry academic.

Which Study Section Should I Pick? Try the Assisted Referral Tool!

One important aspect of submitting grants to the NIH is selecting an appropriate study section.  While the general descriptions on the CSR website can be helpful, they often require further investigation, which can (and should) include contacting SROs, talking to current or former study section members, and/or looking up similar types of grants on RePORTER […]