If your writing is starting to look a little frayed around the edges and lacking that enthusiastic zing you had when you first got to the keyboard, its time for you to up your stylistic game. Three great resources are available to help you improve your writing in five minutes or less. First, think about your […]
Posted by Fighty Squirrel on January 16, 2017
A mere month ago, I was a humble researcher with an amazingly cool lab. But this month, things are different. I’ve been named a Reviewing Editor at a society journal. And that’s sort of a big deal for academic folks. So let me dust off a bit of confetti from the ticker tape parade I forced the […]
Posted by Fighty Squirrel on January 15, 2017
Sometimes highly competent people doubt themselves far too often. And too often, that doubt holds them back from succeeding.
Posted by B.Lizama on January 7, 2017
In 2009, NIH revamped their scoring system asking reviewers to provide numbers ranging from 1 (best) to 9 (worst) assessing applications Environment, Investigator, Innovation, Approach, and Significance. NIH has emphasized Innovation (insert jazz hands), leaving many a weary grant writer to feel a need to invent fabulous new techniques to take DNA out of things, […]
Posted by Fighty Squirrel on January 3, 2017
Think, write, teach, discover and read. These are the things we love and why we joined this great profession, but so many things are in your way and killing your joy. Our resident Fighty Squirrel offers a couple resolutions and protips to let you do the thing you love. Your job. Enjoy and Happy New […]
Posted by Fighty Squirrel on January 2, 2017
“I don’t want to miss the details of the resurrection. You always said becoming a division head would happen over your dead body, what gives?” After some warm-up, the facts spilled out: My friend wasn’t looking forward to being director of a large division. Her husband’s cancer, children approaching college, diminishing retirement contributions in a […]
Posted by Katherine Hartmann, MD, PhD on January 2, 2017
I’m glad you asked! An edition is a customized version of the site for an institution, organization, or group. Content posted to an edition can be pushed publically to the main feed or kept private so that only followers of that edition can see it. People at your institution or in your group might post […]
Posted by Rebecca Helton on January 1, 2017
UPDATED! Awesome update on our call for URM and women reviewers: After lots of awesome feedback and 63 folks signing up, its clear that trainees and PIs turned out in droves. At the time I wrote this, we were specifically looking for young faculty who we might have gone off my radar (or the radar […]
Posted by Fighty Squirrel on December 27, 2016
Have you fumbled in front of a camera or wished you could answer a question differently after a reporter’s already filed the story? Haven’t yet, but think you might? This brief guide gives you a structure to help prepare your message, do’s and don’ts for interviews, strategies for handling contentious issues, and even how to […]
Posted by Edge for Scholars on December 27, 2016
Recently, if you listened hard enough, you could hear the collective sob of well-read junior scientists as Science Careers posted a commentary from Eleftherios P. Diamandis. Dr. Diamandis attributed his success to decades of consistently working 16-17 hour days, every day. He goes on to say…. “How did I manage it? My wife—also a […]
Posted by Edge for Scholars on December 21, 2016