The Hustle You Need to Be Showing

Hustle. It’s a great thing for your coach to say you do and a terrible thing if you’re overwhelmed. This image from Twitter captures so much of what we love about this word and what it means about work-life balance, we wanted to share it here. Follow the always awesome @megdraws on Twitter.

500 Mile(stones)

How will you know you are progressing satisfactorily toward your chosen date for submitting your grant proposal? Defining milestones will help. Earlier blogs have addressed why doing a plan for your submission is a good idea, key concepts in project planning, how to assess the feasibility of your proposed project, and how to construct a […]

You Did the Heavy Lifting: Keep a PAR List to Capture Accomplishments

Your skills, accomplishments, and professional style—how you go about getting results—are hard to discern when reduced to a list of degrees, honors, and publications. If you did the heavy lifting be sure to get the credit. Contributions that aren’t typically captured in your CV need to stay in active memory and be available to share […]

Small Wins for Sustained Success: The Progress Principle

Don’t let your lab’s fortunes sink like the Titanic, to borrow the opening simile from The Progress Principle.  Read this book instead and find out how to facilitate daily progress among yourself, your coworkers, and your subordinates, leading to “virtuous loops” of small successes (that add up to big victories) and happier, more creative and […]

TEDx Nashville Ticket Winners

Congratulations to the winners of our TEDx Nashville ticket giveaway! Check out their and others’ favorite TED talks here.

The Hierarchy of Learning

Is there an aspirational hierarchy of learning, one that might lead to a 10-fold gain in learning over traditional efforts?

Disseminating Evidence to Improve Community Health – Applications due April 10!

Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance (MVA) is seeking applications for pilot grants that support innovative approaches to the dissemination of research findings (“evidence”) that address the gap between research discoveries and translates this knowledge in to programs, practices and policies that are useful in community settings. Ultimately application of these findings/evidence will improve the health of communities, particularly […]