How To Be an Academic Leader and Maintain Time For Yourself

Seventh grade English class and your assignment is to write a one pager about what you want to be when you grow up. Hmmm…sports writer, teacher, astronaut, video game creator, nurse, cowboy/girl, police person, senior faculty member!  Wait, what? Fast forward thirty years, and you find yourself sitting in a bigger office than most, with […]

Buckets of Fun (Work?)

Proposed research project is feasible? Check. Timeline formatted? Check. Milestones added? Check. Now it’s time to break the work into manageable chunks….

Darwins’ Balls Update!

Thank you all for the amazing roll out for the 5th Annual Darwins’ Balls Bracket Challenge for STEM Education. We had a CRAZY amount of success this year. Just for a little perspective, in the prior four years of doing this fun Twitter friends challenge we raised $11,000 and funded 20 projects. All the projects […]

Three (Grant) Peeves in a Pod: Trials and Tribulations

Ever since the holy trinity important things have come in threes—listen up. Study section will not (and should not) cut you slack. 1.) No matter how many clinical trials you have completed, don’t count on your coattails. We need all the details:  Recruitment, enrollment, randomization, comparison condition, data an specimen collection, estimated retention and cross-over, […]

Sure You’re Overcommitted? Here’s A Hint…

Have you surrounded your phone and laptop with notes saying ‘Say No!’? Do you look at next week’s schedule and wonder what were you thinking? Do you leave meetings looking like this guy? If so, you may have a bad case of overcommitment syndrome. Can the Fighty Squirrel offer a quick suggestion? Think about that last time you […]