Seeing the Dark Side of #Worksmarter

We cannot trap our staff and faculty in over commitment on a burnout treadmill and imply blame that they are not smart enough to do their work properly. Work smarter is starting to leave a bitter taste.

Ideas for the Academic Traveler

Maximize the best parts of travel by adding new dimensions to your planning and by disrupting some conventional ideas about work travel.

Introverts Can Network, Too!

Do you consider yourself an introvert? Do you get anxious thinking about how to meet new colleagues? Check out these tips shared from a fellow introvert…

Taking Flight

If you want to be off your K or similar career development award before the end of five years, the calendar will tell you that you can’t start later than the third year to submit a substantial grant.

Time Management for Profs Who Hate Time Tracking

This is for those of you who HATE time tracking. Because you’re too creative. Your job is too unpredictable. You don’t believe in time as we know it….whatever your reason. The only commodity you have as a scientist or physician is your time. And if you aren’t controlling your time with an iron fist, you […]