Introverts Can Network, Too!
Do you consider yourself an introvert? Do you get anxious thinking about how to meet new colleagues? Check out these tips shared from a fellow introvert…
Do you consider yourself an introvert? Do you get anxious thinking about how to meet new colleagues? Check out these tips shared from a fellow introvert…
If you want to be off your K or similar career development award before the end of five years, the calendar will tell you that you can’t start later than the third year to submit a substantial grant.
A manuscript sprint harnesses the power of peer accountability and review to get a manuscript from zero to out the door in 6-8 weeks.
Time to repent of these 10 basic writing sins.
From the Director of Toughness: Challenging, competitive career progression is the norm in highly-educated professions. We’ve got it good.
Recently I picked up Send: Why People Email so Badly and How to Do It Better; it turned out to be very useful.
If we hope to counter the growth of anti-science in our electorate, science needs a champion and a grassroots movement. That’s why I WILL be Marching for Science Aprill 22nd.
Last week I had cholecystitis and lung cancer. In the past year I’ve had pneumonia, an MRSA infection and angina. Here’s how the magic happens.
Count to ten! Take a deep breath! But what next? The message in this book will be useful to you, whatever your role in working with others.
Three new posters stepped up and won Edgys in March for their insightful, popular posts.