Exercise Is Still Possible With A Stacked Schedule
To Find The Time, You Need To Make The Time
If you think about your everyday life there are plenty of routine tasks that you do throughout the day, but on occasions events or unexpected circumstances, like needing to book a doctor’s appointment, occur. In which case, we choose to fit them into our schedule. Regular exercise is exactly the same. We have the ultimate control over what happens in our calendar and the majority of the time, we may put off doing our workout for an unnecessary activity that could have been rearranged. Alternatively, you can combine some tasks together so you still get your required exercise. For example, you can commute to work by bike or watch important lectures whilst you’re doing your workout.
Keep A Record
Note your time to exercise in your phone calendar or diary so that it’s consistently in your schedule. This way, you can work around the rest of the tasks around your exercise time. Once you keep a routine of how often you workout it automatically becomes embedded in your schedule and you find yourself not even questioning whether you should workout today or not.
Save Time For Your Workouts
Don’t try to squeeze your workouts into your daily routine. If possible, try to reduce the time you spend not working out so that you can do it easily. For example, many choose to go to the gym when they’re at work but only have a 1-hour slot to do so without considering other factors like the time it takes to get changed, the possibility of having a shower and the commute back to your regular workplace. Consider what you’re doing before and after your routine and whether it’s possible to reduce that time. So, you could potentially wear your workout clothes underneath your outfit to save a change or regularly use a towel during your workouts so you can reduce the amount of sweat you produce.
Make Your Workout Fun
A big reason why people don’t remain consistent with their gym routines is that they don’t enjoy what they do and therefore make up any excuse to avoid going at all. You want to keep motivated for your exercise so you make the most of it. Try different routines or incorporate aspects of the workout that make it fun, like creating a great playlist you love listening to during your workout. It doesn’t even have to be a workout. Exercise can come in different forms which make it just as enjoyable. How about engaging in your favourite sport instead, or taking a walk to your favourite countryside spot?
Making time for your exercise means you’ll find it easier to keep up with. Whether you enjoy it or just love the results that come from it, once it sits naturally in your schedule it’ll soon become a habit you don’t think twice about.